
Consultant to conduct the CRG Assessment

Shared by Edie - 18 June 2023
Originally posted by Edie - 18 June 2023


The Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association is a regional network on harm reduction covering 20 countries in the MENA region. The main goal of MENAHRA is to prolong and improve the quality of life of People Who Use Drugs (PWUD) through harm reduction approach in the region. Recognizing the crucial role of the civil society in delivering health services to key populations at increased risk, MENAHRA’s key strategy focuses on strengthening the role of the civil society in implementing harm reduction interventions in the MENA region.

Summary of key tasks

MENAHRA is seeking a consultant to conduct the CRG Assessment in Lebanon, under the Stop TB Partnership Round 11 Grant:

Ending tuberculosis (TB) requires a people-centered, gender-transformative response that addresses the underlying determinants of health, fosters enabling legal and policy environments, prioritizes and empowers people affected by TB and key and vulnerable populations, and engages civil society and community-based organizations. National TB Programs, global decision-makers, and their partners must confront socioeconomic factors such as gender, occupation, nutrition, language, legal status, cultural norms, and access to information and education to strengthen community systems, reduce and eliminate TB stigma, protect and promote human rights, and foster a gender-transformative disease response. The TB Community, Rights and Gender Assessment (CRG Assessment) is designed to achieve these ends. TB-affected communities, CSOs, and their partners have taken bold steps to promote and operationalize a human rights-based TB response. The TB CRG Assessment is a multi-stakeholder, participatory process led by CSOs and CBOs, sanctioned by NTPs, and supported by STP, lawyers, and other technical experts.

Global plans and commitments to end TB recognize the critical role communities, human rights, and gender must play in the disease response. Countries work to operationalize these pledges in their national programs, NSPs, and other interventions. Supported by STP, WHO, and the Global Fund, the CRG Assessment is a powerful tool for CSOs, CBOs, lawyers, researchers, donors, and others to support countries in meeting these ambitious goals.