Rasha Abi Hana

Gender-Based Violence among Women who Use Drugs: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study in 6 EU Countries

Shared by Rasha Abi Hana -
Originally posted by Rasha Abi Hana -

INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) among women who use drugs (WWUD) is reportedly two to five times higher than among those who don’t use. This study aimed to analyse GBV experienced by WWUD in 6 EU countries.

METHODS: A survey was carried out with 261 WWUD, and...

AddictologyIssue 2/2023
Dr. Kenneth De…

Greetings ISSUP Spain,

   I, Kenneth DeWayne Harrison,  PhD.

Would like to, partake in a Qualitative Study in 6 EU Countries?


kennetharrisonphd [at] gmail [dot] com