Barbara Correa

International Seminar on Addiction Prevention in the School Environment

Shared by Barbara Correa -
Originally posted by Barbara Correa -
ISSUP Paraguay

Civil society came together on Wednesday, 15th November at the Gran Hotel del Paraguay, Asunción, to articulate effective strategies, not only to prevent addictions but also in defense of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents.

We explored key strategies to prevent crucial and highly prevalent issues in schools today: technology addiction, psychoactive substances, and vaping.

This international seminar was a significant milestone, with experts and educational representatives paving the way for a healthier future and a more developed society.

We leave you with this powerful quote from the event: "The main goal of prevention is not only to keep substances out but to promote the full exercise of human rights and social justice. Fearful information doesn't work; the key is to educate teachers, create positive school climates, and build respect." - Dr. Fernando Salazar, epidemiologist.

Source: Citizen Educational Observatory.

You can watch the recording HERE.