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Substance Use Disorders University Professionals Educational Needs Assessment in The Process of Developing a Universal Addiction Curriculum for Universities in Egypt


1.Dr. Rania Mamdouh (⚑ Egypt) 1

1. Cairo University


There is a wide gap between scientific knowledge and daily addiction treatment practice. This resulted from the lack of adequate training in addiction medicine for health care professionals in many countries. So, Availability of multidisciplinary specific curricula in treatment of substance use disorder based on and designed upon the demand of the university’s professionals, will be the most efficient process to minimize the gap. Last decade, increased attention is being placed on competence-based education as a means for optimizing the initial and postgraduate education of health professionals ICUDDR NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND PREPARATORY WORK FOR UNIVERSITIES questionnaire has been implemented in multiple Universities cooperating with ICUDDR. South Africa was the first African country to use the tool in the Continent.

The study aims to:

a. Build a network of universities and other training institutes across all 29 provinces in the country that will be able to offer addiction science training programs to their students and professionals.

b. Assess current addiction sciences curricula available in Egyptian Universities.

c. To identify the need for a new specialized addiction science curriculum.

d. To identify certifications for multi-disciplinary professionals.

e. Identify the need and feasibility of implementing Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) and Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) in Egyptian Universities.