Treating Children for Substance Use Disorders: Current Evidence and Vision for the Future


1.Dr. Hendrée Jones (⚑ United States) 1

2.Ms. Nancy Dudley (⚑ United States) 2

1. University of North Carolina, 2. Colombo Plan Consultant


Healthy development starts with safe, healthy, well-nourished, and well-educated children. Every child has the right to develop to her or his full potential. Substance use during childhood is concerning given that a child’s brain is rapidly developing and is sensitive to malnutrition, trauma, toxins (including psychoactive substances), stress, or lack of nurturing and brain stimulation. While substance use threatens development and even survival, substance use in children can only be fully addressed once the immediate needs of the child are met.

This presentation will summarize the history of how CHILD was created using multiple levels of stakeholders, a convened group of world experts from six continents, evaluated in Afghanistan, refined with qualitative findings from both staff and children, effectively trained and significantly increased knowledge of the trainees, and then tailored and tested in India’s cultural context through a randomized clinical trial. The final outcomes of this trial will be presented as well as the plans for the future of CHILD dissemination across the globe.