Day 3, 09:00 - 10:30, ICUDDR, A Review of the Science of Substance Use Surveillance and Monitoring: Exploring advancements, Limitations and Future Directions.


1.Dr. Nadine Harker (⚑ South Africa) 1

1. University of Cape Town


Substance use surveillance and monitoring are essential for comprehending the extent, patterns, and consequences of drug and alcohol consumption. Data derived from public health surveillance systems regarding drug and alcohol use are pivotal for crafting and assessing interventions aimed at preventing and addressing substance use disorders.

Despite ongoing global, national, and regional initiatives to enhance research and information handling in the realm of substance use, the field encounters various obstacles and constraints that must be tackled to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of these systems. Through the utilization of a public health surveillance framework, the presentation seeks to explore the progress achieved, emerging challenges, and approaches for bolstering surveillance efforts.