Dr Muktadir Abdul Kadar Khan

Certificate Course in Korean Traditional Medicines

Dr Muktadir Abdul Kadar Khan -
Letter of Approval as a sample , and other certificates are uploaded on the of which the link has been provided above

KTMCC ( South Korea) is a unique Certificate Course in traditional medicines,which has been launched in collaboration with South Korean Medical Doctors for the promotion of traditional medicines and is recognised or affiliated with the para Medical Council of India ie Delhi State Govt Paramedical Council,it updates with the evidence based Scientific Traditional Medicines and also provide Regestration with the Paramedical Council , after scussefully completing one get basic knowledge which can be applied in various feild as a paramedic for eg sports medicines, de addiction,  General fitness etc , we also invite professional from every field to join us as help/advise us for more research work and collecting datas in evidence based Scientific Traditional Medicines which can be applied integratedly for the benifit of mankind.We are very much commitent and belive in rectification and learning by comments and suggestions,intrested person can join through email muktadir [dot] khan32 [at] gmail [dot] com 

You tube link: https://youtube.com/@muktadir8276?si=ON1_oXYwNK7-dCV3