Radolf Nortey

ISSUP Côte d'Ivoire (CILAD) conducts National Trainings on the School Track Curriculum

Shared by Radolf Nortey -
Originally posted by Radolf Nortey -
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The Comité Interministériel de Lutte Anti-Drogue (CILAD)[Interministerial Drug Control Coordinating Committee) and two trainers from its pool of national UPC trainers : Dr Badou Roger (GCCC Commissioner)- Dr KOUAKOU Issouf (ICAP Prevention UPC) conducted the first face-to-face training on the School Track : Prevention of Drug use in School settings from 29 July to 3 August 2024 (6 days).

Most of the participants were lecturers and researchers from the University of Daloa (400 km from the capital, Abidjan), as well as educators, NGOs, social workers and secondary school teachers. The session took place in the media library of the Jean Lorougnon Guede University. The pre and post tests were managed by Colombo Plan/DAP online. At the end of this first session on the BASIC COURSE, all the participants (24) were all enrolled as ISSUP members (both International and National Chapter levels) and ICUDDR members  for lecturers/researchers. 

On the instructions of the Secretary General of CILAD, Pr Yao Kouakou Ronsard, Colombo Plan's National Focal Point, the trainers held a working session with the university's officals with a view to integrating the UPC Curriculum into training within the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculties. The next session is scheduled for 23 to 31 August 2024, again in Daloa. At the end of the 3 sessions, all participants and national trainers will sit for the ICAP Prevention exam scheduled for November 2024.

CILAD's objectives through this training are: 
1. Disseminate good practice in prevention 
2. Strengthen its pool of national UPC trainers 
3. Make prevention workers more operational 
4. Strengthen the Côte d'Ivoire National ISSUP Chapter 
5. National universities to join ICUDDR
5. Facilitate the integration of UPC into university curricula.