Kwadwo Adu Boakye-Yiadom

Toxicological Aspects of Cocaine Consumption

Shared by Kwadwo Adu Boakye-Yiadom -
Originally posted by Kwadwo Adu Boakye-Yiadom -
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ISSUP Webinar


ISSUP Colombia Webinar

ISSUP Colombia invites you to its webinar on the Toxicological Aspects of Cocaine Consumption.

Date: December 3, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM Colombian time

Register for this webinar


The webinar will cover the main toxicological aspects associated with cocaine use in a broad and accessible manner. It will begin with an overview of the different chemical forms of cocaine, such as base paste and cocaine salts, and explain toxicokinetics (how the body absorbs, distributes, and metabolizes the drug) and toxicodynamics (how the drug interacts with body functions). The presentation will demonstrate how cocaine affects health in the short term (e.g., immediate cardiovascular effects) and the long term (e.g., chronic health problems and organ damage).

Intended Audience:

  • Professionals, practitioners, and others interested in the toxicology of cocaine, including its prevention, health effects, and applications in substance use treatment.

Learning Outcomes:

For Prevention Professionals: By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify key toxicological aspects of cocaine use and its potential risks.
  • Apply this knowledge to strengthen prevention strategies and public health messages.

For Treatment Professionals: By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the mechanisms of action of cocaine and its impact on body systems.
  • Integrate this knowledge into treatment plans and patient care.

For Other Professionals: By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the basic toxicology of cocaine, including its chemical forms, how it enters the body, and its effects over time.


  • Lastra, S. (2017). Cocaína. En Guía Para el Manejo de Emergencias Toxicológicas (pp. 274-283). Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social.

  • Levamisol: un adulterante tóxico encontrado en drogas ilegales que se consumen en las calles. (2020). En Observatorio de Drogas de Colombia. Recuperado 10 de noviembre de 2024, de

  • Romero Escamilla , D. V., Jumaan Torres, M. H., & Peralta y Serna, J. (2024). Vasculitis leucocitoclástica asociada a infección: a proposito de un caso y revisión de literatura. Revista Científica De Salud Y Desarrollo Humano 5(4), 177–190.

  • Téllez Mosquera, J., & Cote Menéndez, M. (2005). Efectos toxicológicos y neuropsiquiátricos producidos por consumo de cocaína. Revista de la Facultad de Medicina53(1), 10-26.


William Giovanni Quevedo Buitrago.

M.D., Master's in Toxicology, Specialist in Addictions. Faculty member of the Department of Toxicology at the National University of Colombia. Member of the Research Group on Psychoactive Substances.


Helena Johanna Vélez Botero.

Faculty member, School of Human Sciences, National University of Colombia.


Webinars and online events presented and organized by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.