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Olivia Woodrow

Central Project Coordinator (Yangon and Naypyitaw)

Shared by Olivia Woodrow -
Originally posted by Olivia Woodrow -

Central Project Coordinator works under the overall supervision of the WHO Representative in Myanmar, the technical guidance of the Medical Officer (HIV & Hepatitis) in collaboration with the National AIDS Programme and Drug Dependency Treatment and Research Unit of Ministry of Health.

Duty Station : Naypyitaw (MoH Premises)

Major Duties and Responsibilities:

1. In close collaboration with the National AIDS Program Manager, assist respective focals (ART/Methadone/PMCT/TCP/M&E), in planning of yearly GF budget, commodity quantification and forecasting as well as drafting quarterly work plan and procurement process in collaboration with PR

2. Support to organize central level meetings and trainings and provide technical assistance to facilitate the meetings/trainings. Assist for planning and management of GFATM-HIV activities of each component and keep tract of programme implementation and progress on procurement and supply management

3. Assist in facilitating that all sites for ART / Methadone / PMCT / TCP have timely reporting and ensuring the quality of the reported data. Maintain central level database and keep track of program reports. Assist to prepare GF quarterly reports of NAP

4. Provide technical support to field offices in implementing activities, monitoring and reporting on a regular basis. Conduct field visits to Field Offices and townships if necessary

5. Assist NAP in coordination between PR, UN, other INGOs and NGOs. Regular communication to WHO/UN to give information on progress of GFATM activities and implementation

6. Perform other related duties as may be assigned by the supervisor

7. To submit assignment report quarterly

Work Relations and Partnerships:

The Central Project Coordinator provides technical support to National AIDS Programme and Drug Dependency Treatment and Research Unit. He/she needs to coordinate with focal from MoHS, UN agencies, development partners, and implementing partners. He/she works together with Field project Coordinator/Field Assistant/Data Assistant of respective state/region and M&E team/Logistic team from central as a team. He/she works as a part of WHO HIV-AIDS team in achieving goals of National Strategic Plan of HIV in collaboration with different stakeholders working on HIV/AIDS.