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ISSUP Mexico Hosts Prevention Panel

Shared by Livia - 30 November 2019
Originally posted by Livia - 26 November 2019
Prevention Panel

‪Just one day after its official launch, ISSUP Mexico in collaboration with ISSUP Global and CICAD held a prevention panel for drug demand reduction professionals at Centros de Integración Juvenil - CIJ’s main office in Mexico City.

Over 30 CIJ staff from different regions in Mexico participated in the panel and shared their experience in the drug demand reduction field throughout Mexico. The meeting was opened by CIJ's General Director, Carmen Fernández Cáceres. ISSUP's Deputy Director, Livia Edegger, presented on ISSUP's work and activities alongside CICAD's Andrea Escobar who presented on CIDAD's role in the region.

The panel consisted of three prevention experts who addressed a wide variety of topics in the prevention field. Dr. William Crano from Claremont Graduate University provided a broad overview of media prevention campaigns and highlighted the elements of successful and effective media prevention initiatives. For more than 50 years, Dr. Crano has been publishing in academic journals, encyclopedias, and books on the effects of drugs and disease on communities at large. 

Dr. Kris Bosworth from the University of Arizona presented on the importance of school-based prevention initiatives.Dr. Bosworth teaches courses in school climate, the administration of prevention programmes, and educational change.

Dr. Flavio Marsiglia from Arizona State University presented on the successful implementation of school-based prevention programmes in the US, Uruguay and Mexico. Dr. Marsiglia has developed and tested culturally grounded interventions to prevent substance abuse especially among Latino and other minority populations of the American Southwest, including the school-based “keepin’it REAL” substance-abuse model prevention programme.

ISSUP would like to thank and congratulate our local and regional partners CIJ and CICAD for a successful first ISSUP Mexico event.