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Training of Assessors on Professional Certification of Indonesian Addiction Counsellors

Shared by Livia - 14 February 2020
Originally posted by Livia - 14 February 2020

On January 20-24, 2020, the Institution for the Professional Certification of the National Narcotics Board (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Badan Narkotika Nasional) held a training of assessors on professional certification of Indonesian Addiction Counselors at the Kartika Chandra Hotel, Jakarta. This assessors training is a program to prepare trainees to have competency as assessors according to the National Professional Certification Board (Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi) standards. This activity was carried out to improve the quality of assessors to conduct competency tests, to guide and direct addiction counselors to meet the requirement in one or a group of competency units. The training was facilitated by experts from the National Professional Certification Board and National Narcotics Boards, and consisted of 24 participants that are practitioners from BNN, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, as well as Government Institutions and Rehabilitation Institutions with a minimum of 5 years of experience.

Assessors have a very important role to determine the expected quality of competence of addiction counselors. Their roles include directing and guiding competency test participants (Assesses) in the competency test process and are also expected to function as facilitators who are able to encourage and guide participants to carry out the learning process independently (self-learning) in achieving required competencies.

The certification of competency for addiction counselors should improve the quality of service received by clients and families. This condition should increase the accountability of the administration of addiction counseling for institutions, rehabilitation workers and the community.