Bright Oniovokukor


Bright Oniovokukor -

Indomitable Youths visited a lecture centre where there about 200 young persons preparing for their Senior Secondary Certificate and JAMB examinations  were reached.

Some of the questions asked and were responded to were: 

  1. Why are drug users persecuted instead of drug dealers?
  2. Why banned drugs like tramadol are still sold in the chemist shop as park of pain killers for for body pain?
  3. Why are people hawking (Hausa Ladies) hot chemicals that people take allowed to continue in that business?
  4. How do people get addicted to drug?
  5. How can one really do without taking drugs?

The activity was stimulated based on the materials (The Truth About Drugs) that IYO received from Foundation for a Drug Free World

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Bright Oniovokukor

It was actually revealing.....