
PhD Studentship - University of Strathclyde

Shared by Livia - 14 April 2020
Originally posted by Edie - 14 April 2020

Title: Understanding the Determinants of Resilience in Biological, Adoptive and Foster Families Living With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Project Details: The effects of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder on children and young people’s development and wellbeing can create significant challenges for families. While previous studies mostly focus on the deficits and difficulties experienced by families, there is emerging evidence that some families living with FASD are able to overcome these difficulties to enable children to thrive. However, little is known about the factors that facilitate such resilience. This doctoral study will examine the individual, family and contextual factors that promote positive family functioning in biological, adoptive, kinship and fostering families living with FASD.