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Dr Fraidoon Sadeed

Edie - 24 June 2020

Dr Fraidoon Sadeed was a professional who worked for over 10 years in the drug demand reduction field. Most recently, Dr Fraidoon was based in northern province (Balkh) of Afghanistan where he was setting up a specialist shelter for homeless people with addiction issues in order to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19.

On way back to Kabul he lost his life along with his wife a two children due to very bad road traffic accident.

Arif khan Wafa

Dr Fraidoon Sadeed was a close friend and colleague of mine.

He worked for over 10 year for drug demand reduction MoPH.

He was able to work in different easy and difficult situations in the country.

He traveled to many secure and insecure provinces of Afghanistan.

During his period of job he proved his honesty and commitments to really serve the poor people with SUD.

Finally he was officially sent to Balkh province for establishment of a shilter preventing COVID 19 among homeless drug addicts

On way back to Kabul he lost his life along with his wife and two children

May his soul be in rest and peace.