
CONVERSATORIOS Prácticas en el área del uso de drogas en tiempos de pandemia

Shared by Livia -
Originally posted by Lorena Contreras Escudero -
Event Date
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Santiago de Chile
Event Type


CONVERSATORIOS Prácticas en el área del uso de drogas en tiempos de pandemia. del 6 al 14 de julio, actividad exclusiva para socios de ISSUP Chile

During the pandemic confinement, those working in substance use have had to look for the best way to deal with this period of uncertainty, rethinking, in many cases, new ways of continuing to support the people they work with.

In this context, the Chilean Chapter of ISSUP has set itself the challenge of collecting the work experiences of its members, through the methodology of conversations,whose final purpose is to generate content relevant to the experience of work and intervention in the context of the COVID 19 phenomenon.

This is an exclusive partner activity and we look forward to meeting to reflect on the challenges of this stage and the new responses generated. We have organized thematic conversations that will be held through the ZOOM platform between July 6 and 14.

Enter the topic link and choose the schedule that suits you, near the date you will receive the connection link. To encourage dialogue, each group will be moderated by a member of the Board and quotas are limited in each group.