
ما از متخصصان وزارت بهداشت جمهوری قزاقستان، وزارت امور داخلی جمهوری قزاقستان، مرکز علمی پوست و بیماری های عفونی قزاقستان، نمایندگان UNODC، UNAIDS، سازمان های غیر دولتی، سران و پزشکان مراکز بهداشت روانی منطقه ای دعوت می کنیم.
ISSUP Nigeria has released its eight Newsletter! This edition features ISSUP Nigeria Chapter activities with particular focus on Lagos State branch, article on networking, webinars, and appointment among others. Enjoy it!
We are pleased to announce that the new UTC 3 Self-Led Course is now live on the ISSUP Professional Development Hub!
The SPR Board of Directors has allocated $3,000 in funds to support early career prevention researchers to attend the 13th EUSPR Conference.
Call for Applications: UNODC launches the CHILD Implementation Grants Programme for the 1st time to strengthen the capacity of civil society from low- and middle-income countries working with children at risk of using
The ISSUP National Chapter Advisory Committee held its maiden in-person meeting as part of the series of side meetings that took place at ISSUP 2022 Conference in Abu Dhabi.
به ما بپیوندید تا روز جهانی جوانان 2022 را جشن بگیریم. شنیدن بروز رسانی در 'گوش دادن اول' ابتکار عمل ، با سهم از یک عضو جوانان در تجربه خود را از استفاده از گوش دادن منابع اول.
It is a great honour for me that today, being a Director ISSUP Pakistan appreciated by the Department of Social Welfare and Bait-Ul-Maal Government of Punjab-Pakistan, celebrated and acknowledged to receive "ISSUP AWARD". I am very much thankful to Honorable Sharif Ghumman Sahib Deputy Director Social Welfare, Sialkot to organize a wonderful event at his worthy Office and Awarded me another Appreciation Letter to acknowledge our Services being delivered as ISSUP Pakistan.
On the directions of Govt. of the Punjab Anti Dengue Day was observed on July 2nd, 2022, and In this regard, an awareness raising Seminar & Walk has been organized by ISSUP Pakistan, M A Jinanh Foundation (Regd), Department of Social Welfare Govt. of Punjab, Youth Forum Pakistan and New Life Rehab Centre at Sialkot. Special Lectures were delivered and Pamphlet on dengue awareness and prevention was also distributed among the citizens on Kasmir Road, Sialkot.