Thailand: Moving from punishment to treatment of people who use drugs
Male Patient Drop-Out from Addiction Inpatient Treatment in the Czech Republic: A Study Protocol
BACKGROUND: The dropout rate from the treatment of patients with substance use disorders (SUD) negatively affects overall treatment outcomes. Little is known about the specific role of various psychiatric and psychosocial factors in the...
How does the Excise Tax Affect Secondhand Smokers and the Health Consequences of such Addiction?
INTRODUCTION: Smoking and tobacco products are long-term tolerated and socially accepted in many societies. In some socioeconomic groups and regions, this is considered standard practice. One of the ways to limit not only direct but also...
Supporting people who use methamphetamine through SMART Recovery Mutual-help Groups
This Cracks in the Ice webinar was held on Wednesday 6th of September and provided attendees with information about
• Mutual-help groups like SMART Recovery
• Recent research findings that highlight the potential of SMART...
حشیش اطفال مسمومیت ذینفعان حشیش
تحقیقات اخیر نشان داده است افزایش بستری در بیمارستان کودکان ناشی از مسمومیت تصادفی حشیش در مناطق مختلف کانادا. کودک نو پا به دلیل شبیه بودن به رفتار رایج مانند آب نبات، چاکلیت، یا کالاهای پخته شده، خوراکی های حشیش را به خود می بینند. حوادث...
Exploring electronic cigarette portrayals: a content and thematic analysis of African online news coverage
Background: Electronic cigarette usage has seen a significant increase globally in recent years, with many countries reporting a rise in users. However, the way African news portrays this phenomenon remains unclear.
Methods: This study...
Recognizing and Responding to Opioid Overdose; Safety and Naloxone Training
Gender differences in physical morbidity in opioid agonist treatment patients: population-based cohort studies from the Czech Republic and Norway
Background: Physical health problems are common in people receiving opioid agonist treatment (OAT). A study was conducted on these health issues in OAT patients in the Czech Republic and Norway from 2010 to 2019, with a focus on gender...
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Nineteenth Session)
Integrating Wellness in the Addiction Recovery Process
Learnings from a prison-based drug treatment program on planning for release
Substance use disorder is common among people in prison worldwide.
This report explores the experiences of males in prison who completed and those who did not complete a group-based drug and alcohol program, to gain insight into their...
UTC Self-Led Courses Available in English & Spanish!
Expand your knowledge of #treatment and #prevention for substance use disorders - Sign Up today for a UTC self-led course. UTC Courses 1-4 & 6-8 are now available in English & Spanish. Click here for more information:
Supporting displaced people from Afghanistan and host communities in neighbouring countries – UNODC regional workshop on drug use prevention, treatment and care
From 5th to 9th June, UNODC organized a hybrid regional workshop with a total of 42 participants from the government, civil society organizations (CSOs) and UN agencies, to assist the strengthening of evidence-based prevention, treatment...
Integrating Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Into Primary Care Settings
Importance Medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) (eg, buprenorphine and naltrexone) can be offered in primary care, but barriers to implementation exist.
Objective To evaluate an implementation intervention over 2 years...
Use of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Among Adults With Past-Year Opioid Use Disorder in the US, 2021
Despite guidelines recommending MOUD, approximately 1 in 5 adults with past-year OUD received any MOUD. Furthermore, some groups were substantially less likely to receive MOUD, in particular Black adults, women, those...
Clinical Supervision in Botswana
Pharmacological management of acute methamphetamine withdrawal
About the webinar:
This seminar provided an overview of Liam’s PhD studies, beginning with a systematic review and meta-analysis of previously researched pharmacological treatments for methamphetamine withdrawal.
It then proposed a...
قانون جدید در نیوزیلند نیاز به هشدار در مورد تمام الکل بسته بندی شده
یک قانون جدید نیاز به تمام الکل بسته بندی شده که به فروش می رسد به هشدار در برچسب در مورد آسیب آن می تواند به نوزادان متولد نشده شود.
این اداره مصونیت غذایی می گوید که این اقدام با توصیه داکتران، قابله ها، وزارت صحت و بسیاری دیگر حمایت...
Healing Families, Helping Systems: A Trauma-Informed Practice Guide for Working with Children, Youth & Families
This guide is concerned with advancing understanding and action about trauma-informed approaches that support program and service delivery for/with children, youth, and families. A trauma-informed approach is a system-wide approach that is...