Uno de cada seis jóvenes en bachillerato ha probado las drogas
La marihuana es la sustancia ilegal más usada, pero crece consumo de ‘popper’.
Al menos 520 mil estudiantes de colegio, cuyas edades están entre los 12 y los 18 años, han consumido drogas por lo menos una vez en su vida. Esa cifra...
شبکه اپیدمیولوژی جامعه آفریقای جنوبی در مورد مصرف مواد مخدر (SACENDU) استفاده از الکل و دیگر روند مواد مخدر 2018 به روز رسانی
شبکه اپیدمیولوژی جامعه آفریقای جنوبی در مورد مصرف مواد مخدر (SACENDU) گزارش کوتاهی در مورد الکل و دیگر روند مواد مخدر برای سال 2018 تهیه کرده است.
SACENDU در 9 ولایت افریقای جنوبی عملیاتی است، روند مصرف الکول و دیگر مواد مخدر (AOD) و...
National Report on the Drug Situation in Lebanon
Effects of Repeated Binge Drinking on Blood Pressure Levels and Other Cardiovascular Health Metrics in Young Adults
Background: Binge drinking prevalence rates are highest in young adults; however, little is known about the effects of binge drinking on blood pressure (BP) and other cardiovascular health metrics in individuals between 18 and...
ارتباط ‐ جنسی بین مصرف الکل و بروز فشار خون بالا
سابقه و هدف: با وجودی که به خوبی ثابت شده است که مصرف الکل سنگین خطر فشار خون بالا را افزایش می دهد، خطر مرتبط با سطوح پایین مصرف الکل در مردان و زنان نامشخص است.
روش ها و نتايج: ما مدلاین و امباس را برای مطالعات هم گروه اصلی...
UNODC World Drug Report 2018
The 2018 World Drug Report was launched on 26th June. The report covers a range of topics with the booklets split into drug demand and supply, drug markets, drugs and age, and women and drugs.
The booklets are all available free to...
روز جهانی مواد مخدر و گزارش جهانی مواد مخدر در سال 2018 راه اندازی شد
June Student Membership Update
In our third Student Membership Update we have sourced some funding and research opportunities, and events that we are sure will be of interest.
One great way to be more active in this field is to join ISSUP as a member and to...
Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms 2007–2014
In 2014, the cost of substance use (SU) in Canada was $38.4 billion— or approximately $1,100 spent for every Canadian regardless of age. This report presents the estimates of the costs of SU in Canada from 2007 to 2014 using the most...
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
فیسبوک جستجو در مورد مواد مخدر را به خدمات پشتیبانی SAMHSA تغییر تغییر دهد
How the Opioid Crisis Is Depressing America's Labor Force
It's been a decade since the financial crisis drove up the unemployment rate in the U.S. and forced people in the prime of their careers to give up looking for work.
Even today, as employers add jobs at a furious pace, the workforce...
Is Prevalence of E-Cigarette and Nicotine Replacement Therapy Use among Smokers Associated with Average Cigarette Consumption in England?
Objectives: Many smokers use e-cigarettes and licensed nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), often in an attempt to reduce their cigarette consumption. We estimated how far changes in prevalence of e-cigarette and NRT use while...
چگونه نوجوان Vaping قرار می دهد ساختار در محل برای اعتیاد به هروئین و کوکائین
پذیرش سریع سیگار الکترونیکی شده است رانده, حداقل در بخشی, جهش بزرگ در اختیار داشتن مایع الکترونیکی.
سیگار کشیدن در میان نوجوانان در حال کم شدن است. در حالی که داده ها نشان می دهد سیگار کشیدن در میان نوجوانان در طول چند سال گذشته کاهش...
Healthcare Costs and Utilization Associated with High-Risk Prescription Opioid Use
Previous studies on high-risk opioid use have only focused on patients diagnosed with an opioid disorder. This study evaluates the impact of various high-risk prescription opioid use groups on healthcare costs and...
NIDA Easy to Read Drug Facts
If you are searching for a simple format way to communicate the key issues around drugs then the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website may offer a multi-media solution.
The Easy to Read Drug Facts section of the NIDA website...
Socioeconomic Status and Cigarette Expenditure among US Households: Results from 2010 to 2015 Consumer Expenditure Survey
Objectives: To examine (1) the association between household socioeconomic status (SES) and whether a household spends money on cigarettes and (2) socioeconomic variations in proportion of total household expenditure spent on...
Global Statistics on Alcohol, Tobacco and Illicit Drug Use: 2017 Status Report
This review provides an up‐to‐date curated source of information on alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use and their associated mortality and burden of disease. Limitations in the data are also discussed, including how...
Application of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to Assess Factors that May Influence Implementation of Tobacco Use Treatment Guidelines in the Viet Nam Public Health Care Delivery System
Services to treat tobacco dependence are not readily available to smokers in low-middle income countries (LMICs) where smoking prevalence remains high. We are conducting a cluster randomized controlled trial...