Keynote & Plenary Speaker Presentations

The conference brought together national and international experts in drug prevention, treatment and care and featured a broad range of topics and formats.

Keynote sessions covered the following topics:

  • Genetics and neurobiology
  • Prevention and treatment innovations
  • Prevention and treatment systems
  • Social determinants
  • Law enforcement, criminal justice and health cooperation
  • Overdose prevention
  • Special populations

Please find information on our keynote and plenary speakers below. To view or download the presentations, please click on the name of the individual speaker and open the attachment under their biography.


Aala El-Khani

Honorary Research Associate University of Manchester, Consultant, UNODC

Promoting Family Skills as a Prevention Measure for Substance Misuse and Child Protection for Families Affected by War and Displacement


Annette Dale-Perera

Director, ADP Consultancy UK

Consultant, UNODC

The Role of Quality Assurance in implementing evidence-based, ethical and cost-effective treatment for drug use disorders


Charlotte Colman

Professor, Drug Policy and Criminal Policy, Ghent University

The Criminal Justice System and the Community as Turning Points

Dzimitry KrupchankaDr Dzmitry Krupchanka 

World Health Organization (WHO)

Community Management of Opioid Overdose Including an Overview of the S-O-S Initiative - Stop Overdose Safely

Vladamir PoznyakVladimir Poznyak, MD, PhD

World Health Organization (WHO)

WHO Guidelines and Tools on Diagnosis and Management of Substance Use Disorders


Federica Vigna-Taglianti

Associate Professor of Public Health, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences University of Turin

Implementation and evaluation of the "Unplugged" prevention program in Nigeria


Gregor Burkhart

Principal Scientific Analyst Public Health Unit, EMCDDA

Registry of evidence-based programmes


Jallal Toufiq

Professor of Psychiatry, Rabat Faculty of Medicine

Treatment innovations European neighbours and beyond


José Szapocznik

Director, Brief Strategic Family Therapy Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

United Nations Family Therapy for Adolescents with Drug Use Disorders including in Contact with the Criminal Justice System


Melody Heaps

President Emeritus, Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC)

Creating a System of Alternatives to Incarceration (Therapeutic Justice)


Paul Dietze

Programme Director, Behaviours and Health Risks, Burnet Institute

Opioid overdose prevention and response: key implementation challenges

Sanela TalicSanela Talić

Head of Prevention Programmes - Institute of Research and Development (UTRIP)

Prevention Practice – Quo Vadis


Teresa Salvador-Llivina

Director, COPOLAD

Quality assurance mechanisms


  Thomas Clausen

  Professor, Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research

  Opioid overdose prevention: The need for a range of strategies.

icro maremmani

Icro Maremmani

Professor of Drug Addiction Medicine at the School of Psychiatry of the University of Pisa, Italy

Is Agonist Opioid Treatment Long Enough? The Role of Craving and Psychopathology


Zili Sloboda, Sc.D.

President, Applied Prevention Science International (APSI)

Prevention Innovations: Linking Science of Prevention to Practice

Yifrah Kaminer

Yifrah Kaminer MD., MBA

Professor of Psychiatry and Paediatrics, Alcohol Research Centre & Injury Prevention Centre, University of Connecticut School of Medicine

Youth Substance Use Disorders & Co-occurring Depression: The Nature of the Association and Treatment Implications


Otto Kernberg

Otto Kernberg, MD

Professor of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College

Drug Addiction in Personality Disorders



Laurie Krom

Laurie Krom

Collaborative to Advance Health Services, University of Missouri-Kansas City

Transforming the Workforce through Intensive Technical Assistance

Dr Roger Peters

Dr Roger Peters

Professor, University of South Florida, Department of Mental Health Law and Policy

Justice Populations with Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders

Dr J Randy Koch

Dr J Randy Koch

Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University

Using Patient Surveys as Key Part of your Quality Assurance Plan

Peer Van der Kreeft

Peer Van Der Kreeft

HoGent-University College Ghent, Faculty for Education, Health and Social Work

EUPC, the European Universal Prevention Curriculum adaptation and training


Nick Danziger

Nick Danziger

Photographer, Film Maker and Travel Writer

Each person counts: The world drug problem in photographs

Phaedon Kaloterakis

Phaedon Kaloterakis

Assistant Director of KETHEA

Why Therapeutic Communities are Relevant Today

Dr. Gilberto GerraDr Gilberto Gerra

Chief Drug Prevention and Health Branch Division for Operations United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Pathogenesis of Substance Use Disorders 

Cannabis Use For Non-Medical Purposes

dr-elizabeth-saenzDr. Elizabeth Sáenz

Pediatrician, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 

International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders

Anja BusseAnja Busse

Program Officer, Drug Prevention and Health Branch, UNODC

Community Management of Opioid Overdose: Including an Overview of the S-O-S Initiative - Stop Overdose Safely,

Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System - Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment

The Management of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders
in Pregnant Women

Wadih MaaloufWadih Maalouf

Preventing the Health Consequences of Substance U

Experiences and New Tools from the UNODC Global Programme in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Dr Emma Jane RoseDr Emma Jane Rose

Associate Director for the Program for Translational Research on Adversity and Neurodevelopment (P-TRAN)

Environmental Influences on Neurodevelopmental Trajectories Underlying Risk: Relevance for Substance Use Prevention

Dr Hamad Al GhafriDr Hamad Al Ghafri

Director General National Rehabilitation Center, Abu Dhabi

Developing a Hub of Knowledge Transfer: The National Rehabilitation Center Abu Dhabi Training Institute

Giovanna CampelloGiovanna Campello

Programme Management Officer, United Nations on Drug and Crime (UNODC)

International Standards on Drug Use Prevention

Mariano MontenegroDr Mariano Montenegro

Director of Colombo Plan Office for Latin America and the Caribbean & UNODC Drug Demand Reduction Policy Maker Trainer

Latin America and the Caribbean: Chile an Initiative Implemented in Treatment as Alternatives to Incarceration


Kim JohnsonKimberly A. Johnson

Executive Director International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR)

Developing Sustainable Drug Demand Reduction Workforce Development Infrastructure

Mark ParrinoMark W. Parrino

President, American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence

Using Medication-Assisted Treatment to Treat Opioid Use Disorder: Learning from Past Experience to Guide Policy

Adam BisagaDr Adam Bisaga

Professor of Psychiatry

Promising Pharmacological Treatments of Stimulant Use Disorder: Time for Translation to Clinical Practice

Evgeny KrupitskyProf. Evgeny Krupitsky

M.D., Ph.D., D.Med.Sci, Chief, Department of Addictive Disorders, Bekhterev State Psychoneurological Research Institute

Naltrexone for Opioid Use Disorders: Oral, Implantable and Injectable

Gabriele FischerDr. Gabriele Fischer 

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Fischer, Medical University of Vienna Center for Public Health, Department of Psychiatry & Psychotherapy

Gender Specific Treatment Approaches

Charlotte SissonCharlotte Sisson

Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

Strengthening the Workforce through Evidence-Based Practices

Treflyn Lloyd-RobertsTreflyn Lloyd-Roberts 

General Secretary, International Substance Abuse & Addiction Coalition (ISAAC)

Connect, Encourage, Equip Supporting Faith-Based Initiatives at Grass-Roots Level


dr-silvia-l-cruzDr. Silvia L. Cruz

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV)

Neuroscience for Prevention Programmes: Experiences from Mexico

jimena kalawskiJimena Kalawski

Chief Unit of the Demand Reduction Unit, Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Organization of American States

The Importance of Evaluating Policies to Improve Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean

dr-thomas-leglDr. Thomas Legl

Clinical Psychologist

Individual Strategies for Relapse Prevention and Semi-Residential Aftercare in Holistic Treatment Models

edwin-penaherreraEdwin Peñaherrera

Psychologist, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

Health Promoting Schools, a Multicomponent Program to Prevent Behavioural Risks Amongst Adolescents in Peru

antonio-lombaAntonio Lomba

Alternatives to Incarceration Coordinator, Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Organization of American States

Institutional Capacity in the Implementation of Alternatives to Incarceration under Judicial Supervision for Drug-Related Offenders: A Perspective from the Americas

angela-crowdyAngela Crowdy

Assistant Executive Secretary, Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Secretariat for Multidimensional Security Organization of American States

The Importance of Evaluating Policies to Improve Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean

Becky VaughnBecky Vaughn

Director, Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC)

Professionalizing the Workforce to Address Addiction Worldwide

Carmen BetancurDr Carmen Betancur

University of Concepción

Preventing the Health Consequences of Substance Use

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