
ISSUP Kenya organised a 5-day free training for the Congo Nation Sans Drogues advocacy group.
ISSUP Nigeria has released its fourteenth Newsletter! This edition features the unveiling of more ISSUP Nigeria chapter state branches, courtesy visit to the president of ISSUP Nigeria chapter and his experience in the field of
We are delighted to welcome two new members of staff to the ISSUP team, Dr Goodman Sibeko and Hala Najm. Their expertise and experience promise to enrich ISSUP's mission of promoting evidence-based practices in substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery support.
Trois (03) Professionnels Togolais ont participé à la formation continentale des formateurs sur le programme CHILD Curriculum*
Dr. Jacqueline Anundo and Jane Ndungu from ISSUP Kenya, formed part of a joint meeting on Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) in Kenya. The meeting was held at EKA Hotel - Nairobi, Kenya with the purpose of building ATI initiatives in the country. The meeting agenda included a discussion on ATI priority activities, an overview of the mapping of ATI practices in Mombasa and a mechanism to coordinate the ATI pilot in Kenya.
L'ISSUP Côte d'Ivoire vous invite cordialement à son webinaire sur l'Alternative à l'incarcération pour les usagers de drogues
The 67th edition of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) took place in Vienna from 14-22 March 2024. The CND provides a platform for engagement between member states to lobby for various positions, reflecting the rich mix of cultural and societal norms and priorities, while allowing for reflections on review of standards and policy in line with the most current evidence-based best practice.
This past week (8 - 11 April 2024), our newly appointed Scientific Advisor Goodman Sibeko attended the African Union engagement with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) traditional leaders, which sought to explore strategies for engaging traditional leaders in
ISSUP سویلی افریقا په زړه پورې توګه تاسو ته بلنه درکوی چې د خپل راتلونکی دوه برخې ویبینار لړۍ کې د موادو کارولو اختلالاتو او زبانی روغتیا په اړه ګډون وکړئ
په ارواپوهنه کې د ناتانیا بو ، BSc (Hons) سره یوځای شئ ، او د LEAD انسټیټیوټ کې د قضیې مدیر او د ISSUP بهاماس ملی فصل غړی د چهارشنبه په ورځ ، 17 اپریل 2024 زموږ د راتلونکی 'روغتیا چهارشنبه' ناستې لپاره.  موږ به د شخصیت اختلالاتو سره د خلکو ملاتړ لپاره اړین ستراتیژیو ته لاړ شو. ناتانیا ، د هغې تجربې او تجربې سره ، د شفقت او پوهې سره د دې ننګونو په نیولو کې د مرستې لپاره ارزښتناکه لیدونه راوړی. راځئ چې دا عملی لارښوونې وپلټئ ، ځانونه پیاوړی کړو ترڅو صحی اړیکې او ملاتړ سیسټمونه رامینځته کړو.