
Campinas, 18 de outubro de 2019 Você sabia que o tempo passado com os pais é o principal fator de prevenção do uso de drogas? Essa é uma das premissas do programa que reduziu drasticamente o consumo de drogas na Islândia e que foi apresentado no dia 4 de setembro de 2019 aos senadores das Comissões de Assuntos Sociais (CAS) e de Educação (CE), em audiência pública.
ISSUP Philippines participated in the last global ISSUP Conference in Vienna last July.
The Philippine Psychological Association (PAP) hosted its 56th National Convention in Davao City last September 18 – 20, 2019. The theme of the conference was Inclusive Psychology: Valuing Diversity and Accommodation among Filipinos. ISSUP Philippines representatives were present at the event. 
It is with pride that the very first special issue of the Philippines Journal of Psychology of the Philippine Psychological Association included our very own Global
28-я ежегодная встреча Общества профилактических исследований (SPR) пройдет в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, с 26 по 29 мая 2020 года. Тема мероприятия в этом году : "Почему контекстимеет значение: к месту на основе профилактики науки".
ISSUP Brazil's host organisation Freemind has been very busy organising its 6th annual Congress, which will take place in Águas de Lindóia, December 4-7, 2019. Click here to access the programme and view the keynote speakers.  
ISSUP Mexico will be launched on October 30th, 2019 during the closing ceremony of the 50th anniversary celebration of Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ). Click here to learn more about the conference and view the list of keynote speakers and programme.
During abuse, addiction and related concerns have been an increasing burden on Afghan society which need immediate and comprehensive response through a well-coordinated and multidimensional platform.
На этой неделе команда ISSUP собралась на ежегодное собрание персонала.  Встреча предоставила возможность поразмышлять о достижениях организации за последний год, а также запланировать на предстоящий год дальнейший вклад ISSUP в профессионализацию персонала по профилактике, лечению и восстановлению употребления психоактивных веществ.
The conference was held on 16th and 17th of September 2019, with post conference workshops and project meetings on September 18th.