
On 5th March 2021 ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Pak Youth Welfare Council with collaboration Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) and Anti-Narcotics Force Punja organized an Awareness raising session at Guardian High School, Nadeemi Chowk New Shadbagh, Lahore about dangerous effects of drug use in our society and on young generation.
No último dia 24 de fevereiro, Paulo Martelli – Coordenador Nacional da Mobilização Freemind e Presidente da ISSUP Brasil, em visita à Secretaria Nacional de Cuidados e Prevenção às Drogas entregou ao Dr. Quirino Cordeiro Junior as duas últimas edições da Revista Freemind, lançadas no final do ano e 2020 e no início do ano de 2021.
Governo Federal renova parceria com ISSUP Brasil – associação internacional de referência em estudos e ações na prevenção e combate às drogas Em visita a Brasília no último dia 24 de fevereiro, o presidente da ISSUP Brasil e Coordenador Nacional da Mobilização Freemind - Paulo Martelli, esteve reunido com a equipe da Secretaria Nacional de Cuidados e Prevenção às Drogas – SENAPRED, do Ministério da Cidadania para tratar do planejamento das ações para 2021.
The Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at Middlesex University (the host organisation for ISSUP UK) are delighted to be hosting our next webinar on Wednesday 17 March 2021, at 13:00-14:00 hours UK time.
On March 31st, ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on the topic of Prevention and Treatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
ISSUP Greece would like to invite you to attend their upcoming launch event on March 12th 2021. This Webinar will introduce the new National Chapter in Greece in regards to what ISSUP has to offer worldwide and in Greece in particular.
On the 24th February 20121, the National
ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar with Dr. Hendrée Jones on the topic of treatment and prevention of substance use disorders among females across the life span.
DARC ayrıca, herhangi bir ülkeden insanlara açık olan ikinci Uzaktan Eğitim Yüksek Lisansları - MSC Ruh Sağlığı ve Madde Kullanımı (İkili Tanı) programını duyurmaktan mutluluk duyar.  Detaylar aşağıdaki gibidir: -
The Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (DARC) at Middlesex University (the host organisation for ISSUP UK) are delighted to announce that we are recruiting for Distance Learning Masters, which is open to people from any country.  Details as follows:- MA COMPARATIVE DRUG AND ALCOHOL STUDIES (recruiting for September 2021)