Les compartimos el N°5 de la Revista Iberoamericana de Justicia Terapéutica (indexada en Latindex), donde nos han publicado la investigación "La pericia psicológica y su valoración en la imposición de sanciones penales en casos con consumo de sustancias psicoactivas' , realizado por un grupo de...
ISSUP Arjantin, sizi Arjantin'de 18 yaşın altındaki küçüklerde alkol tüketimi hakkında epidemiyolojik bilgi sağlamayı amaçlayan bir web seminerine katılmaya davet ediyor.
Resultados de un enfoque sistémico para orientar y monitorear la selección, implementación y evaluación de intervenciones preventivas en la región de América Latina con el fin de reducir el impacto del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas a nivel global y regional.
La Comisión Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (CICAD) propuso, en el año 2021, un ejercicio piloto de acompañamiento técnico dirigido a cinco Capítulos Nacionales de ISSUP en países Latinoamericanos: Argentina, Brasil, Ecuador, México y Perú.
Objetivo General: Dicho ejercicio se puso como meta el orientar y...
Uluslararası USR Zirvesi, Üniversite Sosyal Sorumluluk Ağı'nın (USRN) iki yılda bir düzenlenen amiral gemisi etkinliğidir. Zirve, üniversiteler arasında fikir alışverişinde bulunmak ve ortaklıkları teşvik etmek ve küresel USR hareketini...
In July 2022 ISSUP staff travelled to Argentina to meet colleagues, take part in the launch of a new master's course and conduct on-site visits ahead of the 2023 Regional Conference.
Introducción Según el último Informe Mundial sobre las Drogas publicado por la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC, por sus siglas en inglés) correspondiente al año 2022, alrededor de 284 millones de personas de entre 15 y 64 años consumieron drogas en todo el mundo en...
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 18th May, 2022
National Chapter Argentina
National Chapters
Each National Chapter showcases its work, highlights the work of other national organisations and discusses issues of importance related to Substance Use Disorder prevention, treatment and recovery support in their country.
Actualmente existe consenso en relación a que cuando un fenómeno se expande en forma epidémica, existen factores de causación social que lo determinan, razón por la cual, la magnitud poblacional del consumo de sustancias debe ser...
ISSUP Meksika, 29 Haziran Çarşamba günü Mexico City saatiyle 11:00'de Uluslararası Uyuşturucu Kullanımı ve Yasadışı Kaçakçılıkla Mücadele Günü anısına bir tartışma düzenledi.
Mexico's National Institute of Psychiatry, "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz" began editing its official publication in 1977, "Salud Mental", which is currently indexed in: WoS, ScopuS, Academic Search Premier, SciELO, PsycINFO, IMBIOMED, RedALyC, LILACS, DIALNET, Latindex, and the Sistema de Clasificación de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT).
Manuscripts submitted to "Salud Mental" go through a process that follows scientific publishing ethical policies. The Internal Review Board selects papers suitable for publication that must undergo a second double-blinded review by experts in...
The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) is seeking expressions of interest from experts in the field of alternatives to incarceration and social integration to be trained as Master Trainers for the delivery of the Case Care Management curriculum internationally. Upon successful completion of the Training of Trainers, these Master Trainers will be included on the Case Care Management roster of trainers and can be contacted to deliver the training when scheduled. If interested, please submit your resume and relevant information...
EUSPR 2022, 13. EUSPR Konferansı'nın 29 ve 30 Eylül 2022 tarihlerinde Estonya'nın Tallinn kentinde gerçekleştirileceğini ve konferans öncesi gün olan 28 Eylül'de çalıştaylar ve proje toplantıları planlanacağını duyurmaktan memnuniyet duyar...
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is starting very soon! In fact, tomorrow, Monday, 14 March 2022.
Once again, all sessions, as well as the side events, are to be held online due to the pandemic. The good thing about that means that, you can still follow the plenaries and the side events! That’s why we thought that you might appreciate having all the links in one place.
Hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial designs have become increasingly prevalent in implementation research. As hybrid designs enter their second decade of widespread use, the Frontiers in Health Services’ Implementation Science section launches a Research Topic to fuel the field’s discourse on the past, present, and future of hybrid designs in knowledge translation. Submissions are welcome of both Original and/or Brief Research, Review, Methods, and Perspective articles. The call addresses critical assessments of hybrid designs, innovative use of hybrid designs in current trials, and...
During the months of November, December & January, ISSUP’s National Chapters came together virtually to discuss priorities, research, collaboration opportunities and our forthcoming conference and workshop next May in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Barros, R., Serrano P. I., Tufró, F., Canay, R., Carroli, M., Felix T. R., & Milanese, E. (2021). Client’s characterization in the Community Treatment approach: Methodological foundations and evidence. Adiktologie, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.35198/01-2021-002-0003
BACKGROUND: The identity and social representation of people linked to drugs depend on their interaction with the system that collects and analyses the critical data used to describe it. AIM: The aim of this study is to see if by adopting a non-institutional and non-formal approach the drug users’ profile will be different from that in mainstream formal studies.
METHODS: Data was collected using a Community Treatment information and systematization tool (First Contact Form – FCF). Critical information on 6,090 cases was systematized. Data was collected by teams implementing Community...
ISSUP Arjantin sizi, pandemiden kaynaklanan izolasyon ve sosyal mesafenin, çocuklar ve ergenler de dahil olmak üzere Latin Amerika'daki savunmasız nüfusların yaşam kalitesi üzerindeki artan etkisini ele alan ve bunun sonucunda ruh...
El equipo de ISSUP Argentina se encuentra realizando una consultoría con el área de Desarrollo Humano del Municipio de San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca (Catamarca, Arjantin). Mediante este acuerdo, se está trabajando con el equipo del Municipio, aspectos vinculados al uso de evidencias e información epidemiológica en el diseño de políticas públicas y en estrategias de comunicación con medios y decisores políticos.