Global Perspectives on Gambling and Gaming: Navigating the Risks in this Digital Age
Global Perspectives on Gambling and Gaming: Navigating the Risks in this Digital Age
Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) 4: Basic Counselling Skills for Addiction Professionals Online Course
Webinar he Role of Communities in Improving the Quality of Life for People with HIV
ISSUP Indonesia National Chapter and ITTC Indonesia proudly announce a collaborative effort to host a Joint Webinar on the pivotal topic, "Peran Komunitas dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Orang dengan HIV" (The Role of Communities in Improving the Quality of Life for People with HIV).
Date: Sunday, December 17, 2023
Time: 15.30 – 17.00 WIB
Uyarıcı Kullanımı Web Semineri Serisi. Bölüm I: Amfetamin Türü Uyarıcılar ve Uyarıcı Kullanım Bozukluğu Hakkında
"SUD Bağımlılığının Ele Alınmasında İşbirlikçi Çabalar: BNN ve Psikoloji Fakültesi UI - Lisans Dışı Programlara Giriş ve Bağımlılık Psikolojisi Eğitiminde Yüksek Lisans Derecesi"
Ulusal Narkotik Kurulu (BNN) ve Endonezya Üniversitesi, Psikoloji Fakültesi aracılığıyla, şu anda Madde Kullanım Bozukluğunu (SUD) ele almaya odaklanan hem Lisans hem de Lisans Dışı programlar geliştirmektedir.
TALKSHOW HIV AND SUBSTANCE USE TREATMENT: Inequalities and Challenges In Post Pandemic Era
In commemoration of World AIDS Day, on 1 December 2022. ISSUP Indonesia and Yayasan Kasih Mulia took the initiative to invite stakeholders in Indonesia to join the discussion by holding a talk show discussing the challenges of HIV
INEP Plus: The Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention
ISSUP Indonesia proudly hosts an online course for the first time. INEP Plus is an introduction to evidence-based prevention practice that introduces key principles in substance use prevention. 16 participants have registered for this course, starting from 26 October 2022 to 29 November 2022. Dr. dr. Kristiana Siste, Sp.KJ (K) from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, and dr. Elvina K.