Profile picture for user rositsa.racheva Rositsa Racheva Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Population and Human Studies
Profile picture for user antoaneta.g.radeva Antoaneta Radeva Bulgarian Association of Addictions Spetialists
Profile picture for user srjurcic Stella Radina Jurčić Clinical hospital center Sisters of mercy Zagreb
Profile picture for user aramirez Alfonso Ramírez de Arellano Espadero Unidad de Prevención Social Diputación de Huelva
Profile picture for user ratsiborinska Nataliya Ratsyborynskaуа-Polyakova National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsуa, Ukraine
Profile picture for user a.razuvaevsa Alexander Razuvaev Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation AIM Centre, for social and psychological support to people recovering from drug, alcohol and another types of addiction
Profile picture for user roisin.reynolds1_1 Roisin Reynolds Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership
Profile picture for user roisin.reynolds1 Róisín Reynolds Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership