Mr. Bashir Ahmad Naz President ISSUP Pakistan and Patron-in-Chief Youth Forum Pakistan always become the hope of needy people. In this regard, Mr.
On November 2nd, 2020, ISSUP members and Youth Forum Pakistan’s team in Lahore organized a meeting which was hosted by Dr. Ali Sabri, a member of ISSUP and Advisor Youth Forum Pakistan (for Drug Use Prevention) and Ms. Adila Saba, a member of ISSUP and Advisor Youth Forum Pakistan (for Drug Use Prevention) at ESPERENCE NGO’s Office Lahore.
On 26th November 2020, ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to the Third Webinar in their Knowledge Update Series, focusing on the topic 'Drug Use / Addiction and the Family: Support Systems'.
Dear Colleagues,
We are very pleased to invite you to join the ISSUP Ukraine Launch that will take place on Thursday, November 26, 2020, at 12:30 pm EEST/4:30 am EST. It will be a major session at the beginning of the VIII Annual Psychiatric International Conference WPA Co-sponsored “XXI Century Psychiatry: A Global Impact on Modern Society and New Practices in the Field”.
On Friday 11th December, ISSUP Pakistan would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on Prevention, Risk and Protective factors, Youth, Parenting, & Coping Strategies.
A Secretaria Nacional de Cuidados e Prevenção às Drogas (Senapred), do Ministério da Cidadania, lançou no dia 15 de outubro de 2020 três cartilhas que foram organizadas por Paulo Martelli, Coordenador Nacional da Mobilização Freemind e Presidente da Associação ISSUP Brasil e sua equipe.
ISSUP Argentina te invita a participar de un webinar enfocado en los ejes de abordaje y tratamiento del consumo de sustancias en niños y adolescentes.
El webinar tendrá lugar el miércoles 11 de noviembre de 2020 a las 18:00 hrs (hora Argentina).
ISSUP Argentina te invita a participar de un webinar enfocado en el desarrollo de estrategias de Justicia Terapéutica en el ámbito penal.
El webinar tendrá lugar el jueves 5 de noviembre de 2020 a las 16:00 hrs (hora argentina).
Jueves 29 de octubre, 3:00 pm
Durante el último año, se ha venido trabajando en la iniciativa de constituir el Capitulo Perú de la Sociedad Internacional de Profesionales de Prevención y Tratamiento del Uso de Sustancias (ISSUP), con la finalidad de generar una comunidad de gestión del conocimiento que pueda seguir promoviendo innovaciones, intercambio de experiencias y buenas prácticas con relación a la prevención, tratamiento y rehabilitación del consumo de drogas del país, así co