Alcohol and Other Substance Use among a Sample of Young People in the Solomon Islands
Objective: Investigate alcohol and other substance use, with a focus on harmful alcohol use patterns, among young people in the Solomon Islands.
Methods: A structured, interviewer‐administered questionnaire was administered...
EU Drug Use Revealed through Wastewater Analysis
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released the results of their largest wastewater analysis study. The EU project analysed the wastewater around 60 European cities and towns.
This has allowed...
Implementing a Mobile Health System to Integrate the Treatment of Addiction into Primary Care
A recent study carried out by a team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health examined the use of mobile health technology in the United States’ health care system.
Published in the Journal of...
Health Effects of Exposure to Second- and Third-Hand Marijuana Smoke: A Systematic Review
Background: Recreational marijuana has been legalized in 11 jurisdictions; Canada will legalize marijuana by July 2018. With this changing landscape, there is a need to understand the public health risks associated with...
One Minute of Marijuana Secondhand Smoke Exposure Substantially Impairs Vascular Endothelial Function
Background: Despite public awareness that tobacco secondhand smoke (SHS) is harmful, many people still assume that marijuana SHS is benign. Debates about whether smoke‐free laws should include marijuana are becoming increasingly...
¿Quiénes fuman en un hospital general? Comentario clínico
Justificación y objetivo: El consumo de tabaco es un problema de salud pública. En los hospitales existe un grupo de trabajadores que fuman, debe investigarse quiénes son fumadores activos.
Método: Se realizó una encuesta con...
Annual Total Binge Drinks Consumed by U.S. Adults, 2015
Binge drinking (four or more drinks for women, five or more drinks for men on an occasion) accounts for more than half of the 88,000 U.S. deaths resulting from excessive drinking annually. Adult binge drinkers do so...
New Dataset Made Available from Study of Adolescent Brain Development
In February of 2018 the US National Institute of Health (NIH) released the first dataset from an "unprecedented study of adolescent brain development", the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.
The study has, to date...
Sexual Minority Youth Continue to Smoke Cigarettes Earlier and More Often Than Heterosexuals: Findings from Population-Based Data
Research carried out in North America has highlighted differences in youth smoking habits for individuals who identify as heterosexual and those who identify as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual (LGB).
The study builds on historical evidence to...
A Randomized, Open Label Trial of Methadone Continuation versus Forced Withdrawal in a Combined US Prison and Jail: Findings at 12 Months Post-Release
How Collegiate Fraternity and Sorority Involvement Relates to Substance Use during Young Adulthood and Substance Use Disorders in Early Midlife
To assess how social fraternity involvement (i.e., membership and residence) in college relates to substance use behaviors and substance use disorder symptoms during young adulthood and early midlife in a national...
Motivation and Main Flavour of Use, Use with Nicotine and Dual Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Barcelona
Objective: This study seeks to describe current e-cigarette users’ patterns of use including primary motivation for use, dual use, use with nicotine and principal flavour used, according to individuals’ sociodemographic...
Tratamiento de tabaquismo intenso después de un infarto agudo de miocardio
El tabaquismo es una enfermedad crónica que afecta a una quinta parte de nuestra población. No obstante, la mayoría de los fumadores no busca tratamiento de su enfermedad ni la considera tal. Algunos pacientes logran controlar...
Cue-Induced Brain Activation in Chronic Ketamine-Dependent Subjects, Cigarette Smokers, and Healthy Controls
Background: Observations of drug-related cues may induce craving in drug-dependent patients, prompting compulsive drug-seeking behavior. Sexual dysfunction is common in drug users. The aim of the study was to examine regional brain...
Genomic and Bioinformatics Approaches for Analysis of Genes Associated with Cancer Risks Following Exposure to Tobacco Smoking
Cancer is a significant health problem in the Middle East and global population. It is well established that there is a direct link between tobacco smoking and cancer, which will continue to pose a significant threat to human health. The...
A Web-Based Toolkit to Provide Evidence-Based Resources about Crystal Methamphetamine for the Australian Community
Background: The use of crystal methamphetamine (ice) and the associated harms for individuals, families, and communities across Australia has been the subject of growing concern in recent years. The provision of easily...
The Proportion of Dementia Attributable to Common Modifiable Lifestyle Factors in Barbados
Objective: To understand what number and proportion of dementia cases in Barbados are attributable to modifiable lifestyle factors and what effect a reduction in these risk factors would have on future dementia prevalence.
Identifying Viable Theoretical Frameworks with Essential Parameters for Real-Time and Real World Alcohol Craving Research
Background: Substance use is known to be episodic, dynamic, complex, and highly influenced by the environment, therefore a situational and momentary focus to alcohol craving research is appropriate. Current advances in mobile...
Factors That Make Thai Teenagers Drink Alcohol
Thailand teenagers currently have more alcohol consumption habits. Especially in the younger age group, which the government has banned the sales of alcohol to children under 18 years old. However, the legislation was not...