
ISSUP Kenya today, 30th September 2019  joined NACADA and other stakeholders in the field of
ISSUP Kenya AGM was held on 7/9/2019. The key speaker was Dr Mercy Karanja, Consultant Psychiatrist, Deputy Director of Medical Services: Focal Person for Substance Use Management, Division of Mental Health, Ministry of Health. 
We are pleased to announce that our team has grown! James Harvey, our new Communications and Marketing Officer, joined the ISSUP team last month. 
The EUSPR Board has decided to move its Eleventh Conference and Members’ Meeting and Workshops to an online event. The face to face event scheduled October 7th -9th 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal is cancelled.
We are incredibly excited to announce that ISSUP Togo National Chapter is currently in the process of registering as a civil society organisation.
Participation in the National Drug World Campaign 2020
O senhor participou em julho de 2019 de um simpósio internacional sobre drogas em Singapura (2nd International Symposium of Forensic Drug Testing Lab Directors). Quais temas foram tratados no evento? Foi uma experiência que reuniu mais de 24 países do mundo inteiro. O evento tratou dos adulterantes como tema principal. Os adulterantes estão sendo usados no mundo todo em várias substâncias, quer seja a cocaína, quer seja a heroína e mesmo as metanfetaminas.