
The first meeting of ISSUP Chile took place on the 1st of March at the University of Los Andes.
To all our ISSUP members, we are wishing you well during these challenging times. We understand that the current environment makes the wonderful work you are doing even harder.
Existem mais de um milhão de vídeos e textos rodando pelas redes sociais falando da Pandemia do Coronavírus, alguns com informações úteis mas muitos com informações falsas e que só servem para gerar pânico. Nós, do Capítulo Nacional da ISSUP Brasil e da Mobilização Freemind, baseados em Evidências Científicas, queremos ajudar a todos com esta mensagem simples e direta.
Epidemiología para Centros de Tratamiento en Adicciones ISSUP Argentina Dra. Verónica Brasesco – Dr. Roberto Canay Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (UMSA) Av. Corrientes 1723, CABA Miércoles 6 de mayo de 14 a 17hs Introducción a la Epidemiología como ciencia. De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de evidencia. Indicadores epidemiológicos. Epidemiología de las Adicciones.
ISSUP members and Youth Forum Pakistan’s Team in Karachi arranged a wonderful meeting on 14th March, 2020 at Brain & Mind Diagnostics &
The Smart Club Contract Concept: An Evidence-Based Primary Prevention Method for Children in East Africa by Lubega Andrew (UYDEL) The Contract Concept is a means or tools for children and adolescents to lead better lives with Human Rights, better school attendance and results and growing up without the burden of alcohol/drugs and other substances. SMART’s contract method is locally based and includes components such as
Mr. Sana Ullah Rathore, Director ISSUP Pakistan was invited as a Guest Speaker to an awareness seminar organized by Young Blood Daska Pakistan in Punjab College Daska, Sialkot. Mr. Sana Ullah Rathore addressed students and shed light on harms of drugs. He also spoke about crucial development of life-skills in prevention of drug use.
Mr. Sana Ullah Rathore, Director ISSUP Pakistan/Director Mian Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH) participated in the Lions Club Gujranwala City Pakistan Governor Visitation ceremony as a guest of honour. A large number of Lions Club members in Gujranwala city participated in the ceremony. Mr. Arif Butt Governor Lions Club graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Mr. Atif Rabbani President and Mr. Arif butt, Hafiz Muhammad Irfan presented Bouquet to Mr. Sana Ullah Rathore and welcomed everyone. Mr.
The ISSUP team held a three-day staff meeting in Poole, UK from 10 -12 March 2020.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new website feature for ISSUP members. Badges will now appear on your profile and ‘My ISSUP’ dashboard. The new badges are designed to give important information to other members that view your profile.