The ISSUP activities funded by the U.S. Department of State are temporarily suspended.
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A 30 minute YouTube lecture giving an overview of some International initiatives on quality in drug use disorder treatment services and systems. The lecture is given by Annette Dale-Perera and was filmed in Autumn 2020 by UNODC
CCENDU co-ordinated by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA)
The Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (CCENDU), co-ordinated by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA), publishes this newsletter regularly to inform people living in Canada about emerging substance use issues and trends, pulling from the best available information sources at the time of publication.
Non-medical benzodiazepines (NMBs) are benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-like substances that have been either illegally produced or diverted from legal sources for non-medical use. They continue to appear in the unregulated drug supply, increasing risks...
في الفترة من 23 إلى 25 أكتوبر 2024 ، استضافت لشبونة مؤتمر لشبونة للإدمان 2024 ، حيث جمع 2,231 مشاركا من جميع أنحاء العالم. ووفر الحدث منصة ديناميكية لمشاركة أحدث الأبحاث في علم الإدمان واستكشاف الاتجاهات المستقبلية في سياسة وممارسات الإدمان. وركز موضوع المؤتمر " تمكين القوى العاملة في المستقبل" على تعزيز القوى العاملة في مجال الوقاية من الإدمان وعلاجه والتعافي، مع التأكيد على الحاجة الماسة للمهنيين المدربين تدريبا جيدا لتلبية المتطلبات المتطورة في هذا المجال.
شاركت ISSUP بنشاط في المؤتمر ، حيث نظمت جلسة نقاش بعنوان "التعلم من إفريقيا: تنمية القوى العاملة وتعزيزها ودعمها". هدفت الجلسة إلى...
Emerging cases of using Alcohol with Benzodiazepines among the youths who changed their substances use to alcohol and also the AUDs as a means to stop using/drinking in Manipur State of North East India. Manipur State of North East India shares the border with Myanmar which is geographically closed...
De Pourcq, K. Deneckere, S., & De Wachter, D. (2023). Implementing quality measurement in the field of drug treatment and harm reduction: A case study in Flanders. Adiktologie, 23(1), 63–72.
Implementing quality measurement is still a challenge in the field of drug treatment and harm reduction. In this case study, we investigate which strategies can be used to enhance the implementation of a policy in which quality indicators are made public.
Building on an evidence-based methodology, this case study shows how an organisation in Flanders – the Flemish Institute for Quality of Care – develops quality indicators along with its strategies to implement the measurement of the indicators.
The study shows three types of quality indicators in...
Mutatayi, C. (2023). The ASPIRE standards: Taking a step towards quality assurance in drug prevention in France – A case study. Adiktologie, 23(1), 55–61.
In the favourable political climate of the mid-2010s, the standards for Assessment & Selection of Prevention programmes Issued from the Review of EDPQS (ASPIRE) were developed to support project planning in drug prevention.
This case study is a narrative from the main coordinator responsible for drafting this quality assurance material.
The framework that led to the creation of the ASPIRE standards is described. The production process is then explained and, thereby, the 12 ASPIRE standards resulting from it are presented. These quality standards...
Coughlan, E., Mckeown, P., Corrigan, N., & Harris, A. (2023). The implementation of quality standards (QS) at Coolmine Therapeutic Community. Adiktologie, 23(1), 47–53.
Coolmine’s implementation of quality standards involves a period of change management, strategic planning, and national policy development.
A narrative case study focusing on national policy and internal strategic planning.
From 2000, Coolmine embarked on a change management journey that kept the organisation at the forefront of drug and alcohol treatment in Ireland and internationally while maintaining fidelity to the Therapeutic Community. The strategy for quality assurance is replicable across similar organisations.
Kyprianou, E., Mina, Ch., Stylianou, K., Yiasemi, I., Gaist, B., Symeonidou E., Matheou, M., & Mavrou, J. (2023). National implementation of quality standards in prevention and treatment services for substance use/addictions – A case study of Cyprus. Adiktologie, 23(1), 41–46.
The Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC) is the main coordinating body for all matters related to licit and illicit substances as well as pathological gambling in Cyprus and it is responsible, inter alia, for the licensing, evaluation, funding (where possible), coordination, and reinforcement of all programmes, actions, and activities related to substances and gambling. Licensing and funding are based on the fulfilment of certain criteria and a certain level of quality.
The process that led to the establishment of a quality standards system for licensing...
Miovský, M., Černíková, T., Kalina, K., & Nováková, E. (2023). Quality assurance policy in harm reduction services in the Czech Republic: A case study of a national system. Adiktologie, 23(1), 17–29.
In the field of harm reduction (HR), an established quality assurance system with implemented quality standards is rather rare in practice. Together with limited evidence in this area, this leads to an imbalance in the basic segments of drug demand reduction and their lack of compatibility and alignment in terms of therapeutic continuity.
The paper presents case study analysis of the context and a description of the original quality management system in harm reduction at the national level.
The case study design is based on a narrative review from a...
Jerkovic, D., Novakova, E., Miovsky, M., & Vanderplasschen, W. (2023). Implementation of Quality Standards in drug demand reduction: Preliminary findings from the FENIQS-EU project. Adiktologie, 23(1), 09–16.
Quality Standards (QS) are an important priority in European drug policy, although the extent of their application remains unclear. The FENIQS-EU project (Further ENhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in drug demand reduction across Europe) was set up to foster the use of QS. The objective of this paper is to present the main findings of the first 18 months of this project.
A multi-method study design was used to assess the application of QS. It consisted of:
1) an online survey and brief interviews with key stakeholders in various areas of drug...
Rodríguez, M.N., Colgan, D.D., Leyde, S. et al. Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 19, 25 (2024).
Background: Limited research has been conducted on lifetime trauma exposure among individuals undergoing medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD). A multisite study provided an opportunity to investigate the prevalence of lifetime trauma and variations by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain.
Methods: A cross-sectional study analyzed baseline data from participants (N = 303) enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of a mind–body intervention alongside MOUD. All participants were stabilized on MOUD. Measures included the Trauma Life Events Questionnaire (TLEQ), the Brief Pain...
Mansoor, A. I. (2023). Substance use disorder in Afghanistan: The situation and needs to address the issue. Adiktologie, 23(4), 303–317.
INTRODUCTION: More than four decades of war and tragedy have destroyed most of the public infrastructure in Afghanistan. Currently, drug use is a major public health crisis in the country and drug treatment services have extremely limited coverage. This article is a review of substance use problem and treatment situation prior to the reinstatement of Taliban. The aim of this article is to provide evidence-based recommendations for policy makers to improve substance use treatment services and to integrate some components of this sector into primary health care and to ensure sustainability of...
McCall, J., Hobbs, H., Ranger, C. et al. Prescribed safer supply during dual public health emergencies: a qualitative study examining service providers perspectives on early implementation. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 19, 19 (2024).
Background: Over the past decade, drug-related overdoses have seen a significant rise both in North America and globally. The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasised the urgent need for safer supply programs to replace unregulated substances, reducing toxicity and overdose risks. Service providers play a crucial role in delivering safer supply initiatives, yet there's limited empirical evidence from their perspective on what constitutes effective safer supply programs. This study delves into the initial implementation and impacts of a safer supply program, capturing insights from an...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 19 أكتوبر 2023
سيعقد الحدث العالمي ISSUP لعام 2024 في سالونيك ، اليونان بين 24 و 28 يونيو 2024. تقديم الملخصات مفتوح الآن حتى 31 ديسمبر 2023 ، ونحن ندعو المساهمات من المتخصصين في الوقاية من تعاطي المخدرات ، والحد من الضرر ، والعلاج ، ودعم التعافي ، وكذلك أولئك الذين يعملون مع السكان المعرضين للخطر. سواء كنت أكاديميا أم لا ، نرحب بتقديماتك.
مع تحول التركيز على علاج اضطراب تعاطي المخدرات إلى حلول الرعاية المتكاملة ، من الأهمية بمكان أن يستكشف محترفو الإدمان شراكات مجتمعية قيمة لاستكمال الخدمات المقدمة بالفعل. في هذه الندوة عبر الإنترنت ، سيستعرض مقدمو العروض تنفيذ أنظمة...
Rolová, G., Eide, D., Gabrhelík, R. et al. Gender differences in physical morbidity in opioid agonist treatment patients: population-based cohort studies from the Czech Republic and Norway. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 18, 47 (2023).
Background: Physical health problems are common in people receiving opioid agonist treatment (OAT). A study was conducted on these health issues in OAT patients in the Czech Republic and Norway from 2010 to 2019, with a focus on gender differences.
Methods: In this study, it was a population-based cohort study that linked multiple health records to investigate physical diseases (using ICD-10 codes) in patients receiving OAT in the Czech Republic (4,280 patients) and Norway (11,389 patients) from 2010 to 2019. A gender-stratified analysis was performed.