Yachnik, Y., Pinchuk, I., Blyum, A., Myshakivska, O., Shults, O., Koutsenok, I., Grelotti, D. J., Larkins, S., & Johnson, K. (2022). Development of the addictiontreatment workforce in Ukraine by the Ukraine Addiction Technology Transfer Center. Adiktologie, 22(1), 47–52. https://doi.org/10.35198/01-2022-001-0002
The high prevalence of HIV and substance use disorders (SUD) in Ukraine remains a significant public health problem. A well-trained, recovery-oriented national workforce to enhance SUD treatment associated with HIV care is needed to reduce substance use and HIV-related burden in the country.
The Ukraine Addiction Transfer Technology Center (Ukraine ATTC) was established in 2017 to provide training and technical assistance on the intersection of HIV and SUD to support efforts to control the HIV epidemic in Ukraine. Data were derived from Ukraine ATTC initiatives in...
ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to the fourth webinar in their joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events that resulted from Russian's attack on Ukraine.
ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the events that resulted from Russian's attack on Ukraine.
The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) is seeking expressions of interest from experts in the field of alternatives to incarceration and social integration to be trained as Master Trainers for the delivery of the Case Care Management curriculum internationally. Upon successful completion of the Training of Trainers, these Master Trainers will be included on the Case Care Management roster of trainers and can be contacted to deliver the training when scheduled. If interested, please submit your resume and relevant...
The third edition of UNHCR’s Emergency Handbook is a reference tool which serves to reinforce a common understanding among the many key actors in emergency situations. This edition includes a number of important revisions of the handbook based on valuable inputs from the nongovernmental organisations and other partners who are an integral part of the standby capacity.
UNHCR is asked to help identify genuine asylum-seekers among the growing groups of new arrivals mixed in with migrants, putting a premium on UNHCR ability to deploy qualified staff for protection screening and refugee status...
Tento dokument poskytuje pracovníkům a partnerům UNHCR pokyny k ochraně práv starších osob v situacích nuceného vysídlení nebo absence státní příslušnosti.
Při reakci na fáze nuceného vysídlení (útěk, vysídlení, návrat, znovuusídlení nebo integrace) musí pracovníci a partneři UNHCR zajistit, aby práva starších osob na nezávislost, účast, seberealizaci, důstojnost a péči byla dodržována bez diskriminace. Za tímto účelem by týmy měly rozvíjet důkladné porozumění jak potřebám, tak schopnostem starších osob ve vysídlených populacích.
Systematické uplatňování politiky UNHCR týkající se věku...
Doing What Matters in Times of Stress is a WHO stress management guide for coping with adversity. This illustrated guide supports implementation of WHO’s recommendation for stress management.
There are many causes of stress, including personal difficulties (e.g. conflict with loved ones, being alone, lack of income, worries about the future), problems at work (e.g. conflict with colleagues, an extremely demanding or insecure job) or major threats in your community (e.g. violence, disease, lack of economic opportunity).
This guide is for anyone who experiences stress, ranging from parents...
EUSPR 2022 are pleased to announce that the 13th EUSPR Conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia on 29th and 30th September 2022, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the pre-conference day, September 28th.
This document is for protection programme managers working at national and sub-national level in low and middle income countries. It is both for Protection Cluster coordinators (and coordinators of the five specific areas within the Cluster) and for protection programme managers in government, UN and non-UN international organisations and local NGO protection programmes.
Based on the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC, 2007), this document gives an overview of essential knowledge that protection programme managers should know about mental...
Účelem tohoto dokumentu je poskytnout agenturám příručku se třemi nástroji obsahujícími klíčové hodnotící otázky, které mají společný význam pro všechny aktéry zapojené do duševního zdraví a psychosociální podpory (MHPSS) nezávisle na fázi mimořádné události. Tato příručka bude užitečná pro rychlé posouzení otázek MHPSS v humanitárních krizích napříč odvětvími. Příručka je navržena pro použití různými humanitárními aktéry (vládními i nevládními; místními, národními a globálními). Vychází z pokynů IASC pro duševní zdraví a psychosociální podporu v nouzových situacích (IASC, 2007).
This manual is designed to orient helpers to offer psychological first aid (PFA) to people following a serious crisis event. PFA involves humane, supportive and practical assistance for people who are distressed, in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilities.
The orientation aims to build the capacity of helpers in crisis situations:
To approach a situation safely, for themselves and others;
To say and do the most supportive things for very distressed people; and
To NOT cause further harm by their actions.
The orientation provides many opportunities for...
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is starting very soon! In fact, tomorrow, Monday, 14 March 2022.
Once again, all sessions, as well as the side events, are to be held online due to the pandemic. The good thing about that means that, you can still follow the plenaries and the side events! That’s why we thought that you might appreciate having all the links in one place.
Hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial designs have become increasingly prevalent in implementation research. As hybrid designs enter their second decade of widespread use, the Frontiers in Health Services’ Implementation Science section launches a Research Topic to fuel the field’s discourse on the past, present, and future of hybrid designs in knowledge translation. Submissions are welcome of both Original and/or Brief Research, Review, Methods, and Perspective articles. The call addresses critical assessments of hybrid designs, innovative use of hybrid designs in current trials, and...
Inter-GLAM is a European project, co-funded by the European Union’s DG Justice Programme "Drugs Policy Initiatives - Supporting initiatives in the field of drugs policy” (JUST-2019-AG-DRUGS). The project aims to collaborate with diverse stakeholders to elaborate on global perspectives and trends shaping addictions and drug markets, and will co-produce a strand of the 4th European Conference on addictive behaviours and dependencies (LxAddictions22, 23-25 November 2022).
Within the frame of the collaboration with LxAddictions22, Inter-GLAM is organising a video contest for...