La entrevista motivacional proporciona una base para ayudar a las personas a desarrollar la justificación para comenzar un cambio en sus vidas. Este recurso proporciona información básica sobre los principios sobre la comunicación mediante la entrevista motivacional.
Entrevista Motivacional: Lo Básico, OARS (Adaptado de folletos de David Rosengren y de Miller & Rollnick, Entrevista Motivacional, 2ª Edición, 2002)
La entrevista motivacional es un "enfoque de asesoramiento empático y centrado en la persona que prepara a las personas para el cambio ayudándolas a resolver la ambivalencia...
Madson, Michael & Schumacher, Julie & Baer, John & Martino, Steve. (2016). Motivational Interviewing for Substance Use: Mapping Out the Next Generation of Research. Journal of Substance AbuseTreatment. 65. 10.1016/j.jsat.2016.02.003.
Harmful use of alcohol kills more than 3 million people each year. 35 million people are estimated to be suffering from drug use disorders. Tobacco contributes to the death of more than 8 million people a year around the world.
It is important that people who have substance use problems receive interventions that are of high quality, ethical and have strong evidence-base.
Motivational interviewing (MI) can be used as a psychological treatment that aims to help people cut down or stop using substances.
Typically, a counsellor who is trained in MI works with a client to support them...