Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Jue, 07/05/2020 - 03:41
Whitney Ence, PhD, BCBA-D, Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF What: Below is a list of strategies aimed at helping children manage “stay at home” orders. These are meant to be a menu of ideas that may be helpful. When: Try one idea at a time. Modify these based on the developmental level and age of...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Jue, 23/04/2020 - 00:42
Contexto y habilidades sociales que protegen ante el consumo de drogas Ponente: Mtro. Jorge A. Villatoro Velázquez Pueden leer el texto completo de algunas publicaciones donde ha participado Jorge Villatoro en: Maltrato infantil y prácticas parentales como factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Mié, 12/02/2020 - 17:08
Fuente: Todos queremos dar a nuestros hijos lo que necesitan para crecer al máximo de su potencial, y como padres desempeñamos un papel importante en su...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Mar, 10/12/2019 - 15:34
Instituto de Psicofarmacología Presenta: Othman M. Mohammad, M.D., Psiquiatra infantil y de adolescentes, Baystate Medical Center; Profesor asistente de psiquiatría, University of Massachusetts Medical Shool-Baystate Puntos clave Tratar la depresión bipolar en niños es un reto. La FDA solamente ha...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Vie, 15/11/2019 - 15:00
El tema de esta semana es el Estrés en los Niños con la maestra Lourdes. Este video de CIJ informa sobre las señales que pueden presentar niñas y niños en casos de estrés, y también se comentan algunos consejos para ayudar. Para más información: CIJ invita a registrarse en el grupo de Facebook de...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Mar, 12/11/2019 - 21:33
Shelley Mann-Lev, MPH, ORN Prevention Consultant, New Mexico. This webinar focuses on how we can work effectively with schools to help all students and families prevent and reduce youth opioid and other substance use. The presenter begins by describing key risk and protective factors associated with...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Vie, 11/10/2019 - 15:12
n her presentation, “Follow Chester! Exploring Microaggressions, Civility, and Allies in Children’s Books and Beyond,” Gloria Respress-Churchwell will discuss practical ways to address difficult themes with children using picture books like her children’s book, Follow Chester!. This compelling story...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Mié, 11/09/2019 - 17:55
Narcotics: Problems and Solutions of This Global Issue Workshop 23-24 November 2016 Following a special wish of Pope Francis, the Pontifical Academies of Sciences is organizing a two-day Workshop on Narcotics: Problems and Solutions of this Global Issue on 23-24 November 2016. The current system to...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Mié, 21/08/2019 - 21:01
Keith is Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Centre for Suicide Research at Oxford University; Consultant Psychiatrist with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. Key Learning Points Nature and development of self-harm in young people Factors that contribute to the problem How young people and...
Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez
- Mar, 25/06/2019 - 22:24
This kid-friendly video, produced by Addiction Policy Forum, explains how repeated substance use can hijack brain function, and the importance of delaying use until the brain has fully developed.