Day 1, 09:00 - 10.30, The Art of Healing 2024 Opening Ceremony
The Art of Healing 2024 Opening Ceremony, presented in Thessaloniki on the 26th of June, 2024, with Joanna Travis Roberts and Kevin Mulvey.
The Art of Healing 2024 Opening Ceremony, presented in Thessaloniki on the 26th of June, 2024, with Joanna Travis Roberts and Kevin Mulvey.
The study analyzed national data from the U.S. to track trends in cannabis use from 2013 to 2021, focusing on changes in use among young and middle-aged adults. Researchers also looked at whether these trends varied by sociodemographic...
This study aimed to explore how exposure to digital advertising for alcohol and cannabis might impact the likelihood of young adults driving under the influence of these substances. The researchers investigated the associations between...
This study looks at how certain factors in research can skew the results when estimating the health effects of drinking small amounts of alcohol. These biases can affect public health advice and shape how people view alcohol’s potential...
Now Open: Call for Abstracts!
Share your substance use prevention successes, challenges, lessons learned, and insights with colleagues from across the country.
Deadline: September 4, 2024 (at 11:59 p.m. ET)
The World Drug Report (WDR) is published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2023). It serves to collate data received from United Nations member states which enables the...
Engaging youth in substance use prevention has proven to be a vital and effective strategy. Empowerment across all youth, but particularly among marginalised groups such as youth of colour, is a significant aspect of this involvement...
Scholars and researchers are increasingly calling attention to the need for community-based coalitions to become more inclusive of local residents and engage those most directly affected by the issues. One population, however, often remains...
There is an array of youth participatory approaches relevant to health equity efforts in community psychology, adolescent health, youth development, and education. While they share some commonalities, they also reflect important...
Youth-led participatory action research (YPAR) is an approach to scientific inquiry and social change grounded in principles of equity that engages young people in identifying problems relevant to their own lives, conducting research to...
A growing body of research points to the efficacy of participatory methods in decreasing rates of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and other risky behaviors among youth. However, to date, no systematic review of the literature has been...
Substance use prevention researchers and professionals are increasingly focusing on translating research into practice, developing a skilled workforce of prevention specialists, and creating a robust prevention infrastructure. A critical...
Sharp increases in substance use rates among youth and the lack of evidence-based prevention interventions in Mexico are a major concern. A team of investigators from Mexico and the USA are actively addressing this gap by culturally...
Background: This article reports on a test of a youth substance use prevention program conducted in Nogales-Sonora, a Mexican city on the US border.
Objective: The study tested the efficacy of a version of the keepin’ it REAL curriculum...
Children vaccination is a key intervention for their survival, especially among refugees. Yet, children vaccination registration is done manually in refugees camps and there is no possibility to send reminders to parents to come...
A contribution by Jeff Lee from the ISSUP INEP Plus facilitators training course.
Many individuals working in treatment automatically consider themselves to possess particular skills for engaging in prevention work. I have some concerns...