3rd ICUDDR Conference

San Diego, United States,

The 3rd ICUDDR Conference will take place in San Diego from June 4 – 5, 2018.

The conference will include a wide range of international panels and presentations on university-based academic programs in addiction studies, featuring both treatment and prevention. This year's conference will include a Dean’s track to engage important leaders in our institutions of higher learning, an update on the current science of substance use disorders, treatment, and prevention; and will address workforce development, and implementation of evidence-based academic programs in addiction studies.

Conference Information at a Glance:

Conference Location: University of California - San Diego, La Jolla Campus

California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) - Atkinson Hall

Map location: http://www.calit2.net/about/info/ucsd/

Conference Registration (there is no conference registration fee): Click here to register for the conference

Conference Hotel: 

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Sheraton La Jolla Hotel at the special rate of $167/night.  Please make your hotel arrangements as soon as possible to ensure your room reservation, by calling the hotel at (800) 325-3535 and asking for the "ICUDDR rate" ($167), or by visiting the website for booking conference hotel rooms.

Sheraton La Jolla, 3299 Holiday Court
La Jolla, California 92037
United States
Local hotel phone: (858) 453-5500

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