
Lunes 28 de octubre de 2019, a partir de las 17:00 horas (tiempo de la Ciudad de México) En el marco de la entrega del doctorado honoris causa por el H. Consejo Universitario de la UNAM, la Dra. María Elena Medina-Mora, miembro de El Colegio Nacional, dictará la conferencia Drogas, salud pública y bienestar de las comunidades. Habrá transmisión por internet en:
Campinas, 18 de outubro de 2019Você sabia que o tempo passado com os pais é o principal fator de prevenção do uso de drogas? Essa é uma das premissas do programa que reduziu drasticamente o consumo de drogas na Islândia e que foi apresentado no dia 4 de setembro de 2019 aos senadores das Comissões de Assuntos Sociais (CAS) e de Educação (CE), em audiência pública.
ISSUP Philippines participated in the last global ISSUP Conference in Vienna last July.
The Philippine Psychological Association (PAP) hosted its 56th National Convention in Davao City last September 18 – 20, 2019. The theme of the conference was Inclusive Psychology: Valuing Diversity and Accommodation among Filipinos. ISSUP Philippines representatives were present at the event. 
It is with pride that the very first special issue of the Philippines Journal of Psychology of the Philippine Psychological Association included our very own Global
The Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 28th Annual Meeting will be held in Washington, DC, May 26 – May 29, 2020. The theme for this year's event is “Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science.”
ISSUP Brazil's host organisation Freemind has been very busy organising its 6th annual Congress, which will take place in Águas de Lindóia, December 4-7, 2019. Click here to access the programme and view the keynote speakers.  
ISSUP Meksiko akan diluncurkan pada 30 Oktober 2019 selama upacara penutupan perayaan ulang tahun ke-50 Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ). Klik di sini untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang konferensi dan melihat daftar pembicara utama dan program.
During abuse, addiction and related concerns have been an increasing burden on Afghan society which need immediate and comprehensive response through a well-coordinated and multidimensional platform.
Minggu ini tim ISSUP telah berkumpul untuk pertemuan staf tahunannya.  Pertemuan ini telah menawarkan kesempatan untuk merefleksikan pencapaian organisasi selama setahun terakhir, serta untuk merencanakan tahun depan untuk memajukan kontribusi ISSUP terhadap profesionalisasi tenaga kerja pencegahan, pengobatan, dan pemulihan penggunaan zat.