WEBINAR | Pencegahan Kekambuhan: Langkah Menuju Pemulihan Berkelanjutan
Pleno 3: Fokus pada Perawatan dan Pemulihan
Jabatan Ketua Umum, +256 772 481 003
Tanggal: 5 Agustus 20202
Mengukur Modal dalam Kecanduan dan Pemulihan Aktif: Pengembangan Skala Pemulihan Kekuatan dan Hambatan (SABRS)
Survei Life In Recovery (LiR) internasional telah memberikan pesan penting kepada publik dan pembuat kebijakan tentang realitas perubahan dari kecanduan ke pemulihan, secara konsisten menunjukkan bahwa ada keuntungan...
Webinar UNODC: Pengobatan Obat, Perawatan & Pemulihan untuk Orang, Keluarga & Komunitas dalam Krisis COVID-19 di Asia Tenggara
Unodc Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS), bekerja sama dengan WHO, Pakar Internasional dari Australia dan Italia, Colombo Plan, KANTOR REGIONAL UNODC untuk Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik (ROSEAP) dan kantor lapangan di Asia...
Menggunakan Data untuk Mengkomunikasikan Efektivitas Dukungan Pemulihan
Pembicara membahas cara menggunakan penelitian yang tersedia dan data program Anda sendiri untuk mengkomunikasikan efektivitas dukungan pemulihan.
The Free Peer Recovery Support Webinar Series Starts on Friday, March 27
Peer recovery support services are increasingly becoming an important part of the behavioral healthcare workforce. They not only help people with behavioral health conditions connect to, engage in, and be active participants in treatment...
Trajectories of psychological distress during recovery from polysubstance use disorder
Introduction: Polysubstance use is a prevalent substance use pattern with adverse effects on psychological distress and diminished treatment outcomes. Although polysubstance use often dominates clinical practice, the trajectories...
Kumpul-kumpul Pemulihan Kedelapan di Pusat Perawatan dan Rehabilitasi Narkoba Misi Ahsania
Ahsania Mission Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Gazipur, Bangladesh menyelenggarakan 8th Recovery Get-Together pada 28 Februari 2020 di tempat, untuk merayakan kehidupan bebas narkoba yang sehat dari 170 pasien Substance Use...
Prediktor Pemulihan Dini setelah Perawatan untuk Gangguan Penggunaan Alkohol di Uganda
Data tentang pengobatan untuk AUD (Alcohol Use Disorders) di negara-negara berkembang langka. Studi ini mengeksplorasi aspek pemulihan dini dan korelasi penggunaan alkohol setelah perawatan AUD perumahan di Uganda. 78 responden...
Should Addiction Counselors Disclose They Are in Recovery?
Addiction therapy is often a personal and complex thing, which relies on interaction, bonding, and communication between counselors and their patients. This often happens because many of the people choosing to become addiction counselors...
Should Addiction Counselors Disclose Their Recovery?
More often than not, the answer is: no.
- “I’m in recovery too…so you can trust the suggestions I give you.”
- “I’ve been there, done that, so I ‘get’ where you are coming from.”
- “When I was in early recovery I wouldn’t trust normal...
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Action Plan
In 2018, the Scottish Government released the Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland's Alcohol and Drug Treatment Strategy.
Scotland's first drugs strategy for a decade focuses on treating the issue as a public health concern rather than...
Perayaan Bulan Pemulihan – "Bergabunglah dengan Suara untuk Pemulihan: Bersama-sama Kita Lebih Kuat"
Misi Ahsania Dhaka mengamati Bulan Pemulihan pada 22 September 2019 di Ahsnia Mission Female Drug Treatment Center (FDTC) untuk pertama kalinya di Bangladesh. Tujuan merayakan Bulan Pemulihan adalah untuk mendidik orang bahwa perawatan...
Comorbidity and Recovery
Imagine going through treatment numerous times but not being able to stop using. Imagine deciding not to use and doing everything you possibly can to stop using but relapsing despite all your efforts. If this sums up your situation or If...
Recovery Month 2019
Every September the Recovery Month Campaign aims to increase awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders and celebrate the people who recover.
Over the years, Recovery Month has promoted and supported new evidence...
Video Pengurangan Permintaan Obat INL Baru untuk Bulan Pemulihan
Community Social Deprivation and Availability of Substance Use Treatment and Mutual Aid Recovery Groups
The spatial distribution of substance use services impacts their use, with greater access to services associated with more positive outcomes. Findings from availability of primary healthcare indicate service...