Tobacco Webinar Series: Tobacco Smoking Addiction - From Prevention to Treatment
Seri Webinar Tembakau: Perangkat Merokok Elektronik Baru - Apa Bedanya?
Seri Webinar Tembakau: Penggunaan Tembakau - Kesenangan atau Bahaya?
Tinjauan Bukti Layanan Perawatan Obat untuk Orang yang Tunawisma dan Menggunakan Narkoba
Orang-orang yang tunawisma memiliki kehidupan yang kompleks dan menantang. Mereka cenderung memiliki kesehatan fisik dan mental yang lebih buruk daripada populasi umum. Penggunaan narkoba lebih umum di antara orang-orang yang tunawisma...
Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users
Evidence and Implementation of family-based interventions in the addiction field
Dr Gallus Bischof presented AFINet’s second Webinar on “Evidence and Implementation of family-based interventions in the addiction field”.
Dr Bischof described and reported the results of a systematic review on the evidence of...
Menyiapkan Program Studi Kecanduan Berdasarkan Capaian Pembelajaran
Presenter Michal Miovsky dan Anna Volfova membahas implementasi hasil belajar mereka dalam program pendidikan kecanduan mereka di Charles University di Praha.
Smoking Cessation for Improving Mental Health- Cochrane Review
People with mental health issues are more likely to smoke compared to the general population. They are also more likely to experience severe withdrawals and are less responsive to treatment. Indeed, some people believe that quitting smoking...
Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) Professorship Scheme
The ‘SSA Addictions Professorship’ scheme aims to support individuals who are already senior academics with established expertise and who wish to move to become part of UK academic growth in addictions research, but who would face potential...
Adiktologie Jurnal Edisi 3-4
Jurnal Adiktologie adalah jurnal profesional untuk penelitian mengenai pencegahan dan pengobatan kecanduan.
Di bawah ini, Anda dapat menemukan artikel yang membentuk edisi Desember 2020.
Sebuah studi acak nasional AS untuk memandu cara terbaik untuk mengurangi stigma ketika menggambarkan gangguan terkait obat dalam praktik dan kebijakan
webinar | Perilaku Adiktif: Pencegahan dan Pengobatan selama Pandemi COVID-19
Peran Nutrisi dalam Pemulihan Kecanduan
In Love with Addiction Neuroscience
In ISAM-NIG's new monthly talk series "In-Love with Addicted Brains”, addiction neuroscientists from across the world share their personal stories/experiences on the beauty of addiction neuroscience and how/why they have decided to invest...
Menyeimbangkan akses ke pengobatan substitusi opioid (OST) dengan mencegah pengalihan obat substitusi opioid di Eropa
Laporan ini mengulas bagaimana pengobatan substitusi opioid (OST) diterapkan di negara-negara Eropa dan memeriksa konsekuensi kesehatan masyarakat dari pengalihan dan penyalahgunaan obat OST resep.
Ini melihat bagaimana obat OST...
Menanggapi narkoba dan tunawisma. Pendekatan inovatif di Eropa
Tujuan: Untuk mengeksplorasi program inovatif yang memberikan solusi di bidang tunawisma dan obat-obatan.
Latar Belakang: Hubungan antara tunawisma jangka panjang, masalah penggunaan narkoba dan ketergantungan alkohol...
A Covid-19 Coping Toolkit for Parents and Caregivers in Recovery
This booklet is intended for a global audience of parents and caregivers who are in all stages of recovery from substance use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The main feature of this booklet includes seven tip-sheets that offer...
State of the Sector 2019: Drug and Alcohol Family Support
This report shares the findings from Adfam's State of the Sector Family Support Survey which in 2019 asked 117 practitioners and managers working in family support services in England about current trends, developments, strengths and...
Supporting Parents Affected by Child-parent Abuse (CPA) from Substance-using Children
Adfam has produced an online toolkit for practitioners working with parents who care for someone who uses drugs or alcohol and is also abusive toward them.
The toolkit contains resources for practitioners to work through with their...