National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program
Wastewater analysis is widely applied internationally as a tool to measure and interpret drug
use within national populations, with the current national program in Australia representing world best practice.
Kalender Media Sosial Minum Alkohol Berisiko Rendah
Asupan alkohol Kanada meningkat selama liburan, pesta dan liburan.
Pusat Kanada tentang Penggunaan Zat dan Kecanduan telah membuat kalender grafik media sosial untuk mengingatkan kaum muda bahwa jika mereka berencana untuk minum...
Information for Teachers
In classrooms across the UK 1 in 5 children are carrying the burden of someone else’s drinking.
The National Association for Children of Alcoholics have developed a new resource to help teachers identify children affected by their parent...
Smoking During Pregnancy , Stigma and Secrets
There is significant evidence to suggest that smoking while pregnant is harmful to the baby increases the risk of miscarriage, and premature birth. The Statistics on smoking, England: 2018 compendium report shows that in 2017-18, 10.8% of...
National Cannabis Survey, fourth quarter 2019
Statistics Canada has been conducting the National Cannabis Survey every three months since February 2018.
The main objective of the NCS is to monitor changes in cannabis-related behaviours during the period preceding and following...
Survei: Pusat Nasional untuk Penelitian Klinis tentang Obat Yang Muncul
Tujuan dari survei ini adalah untuk mencari pendapat Anda tentang area untuk pengobatan gangguan penggunaan zat karena metamfetamin dan obat-obatan lain yang muncul yang menjadi perhatian yang akan mendapat manfaat dari pelaksanaan...
Mental Health Professionals’ Views on Smoke-Free Policy
The prevalence of smoking within the general population is in decline. However, the number of people with mental health issues who smoke remains high.
A recent study has examined mental health care practitioners approach to addressing...
A Guide to Using the Networks
Alcohol and the Sustainable Development Goals – Major Obstacle to Development
Alcohol is an obstacle to achieving 13 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 52 of 169 targets.
A major obstacle to sustainable human development:
- Alcohol kills 3.3 million people worldwide every year, representing 5.9 %...
Bawa Pulang Naloxone Toolkit
The Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (IOTOD) Take-Home Naloxone Toolkit berisi panduan dan sumber daya tentang cara mengatur program nalokson yang dibawa pulang, untuk mengurangi overdosis dan menyelamatkan nyawa.
...Webcasts from the 2018 Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (IOTOD) is an educational initiative that aims to improve opioid dependence healthcare through a variety of programmes
IOTOD host an annual conference, and following the event they...
Webinar: Ilmu Pencegahan dan Penerapannya pada Intervensi dan Kebijakan Pencegahan Penggunaan Zat
Zili Sloboda, Sci.D, Presiden Ilmu Pencegahan Terapan Internasional menyajikan Ilmu Pencegahan dan Penerapannya pada Intervensi dan Kebijakan Pencegahan Penggunaan Zat: Peran Universitas.
Panduan Praktik Bahaya Tersembunyi
Masalah orang tua alkohol dan penggunaan narkoba lainnya dikaitkan dengan masalah sosial, hukum, ekonomi dan kesehatan. Hal ini dapat mengganggu rutinitas dan tanggung jawab keluarga, hubungan dengan kerabat dan teman, dan keadaan sosial...
Ubah, Tumbuh, Jalani Toolkit Perawatan Yang Dibantu Obat
Kematian terkait narkoba adalah yang tertinggi yang pernah mereka alami. Kita tahu bahwa perawatan yang dibantu obat (MAT), seperti resep metadon dan buprenorfin, adalah intervensi kami yang paling kuat. Mendukung pengguna layanan yang...
Children and Young People Exposed Prenatally to Alcohol - Clinical Guidelines
Alcohol consumption in pregnancy has the potential to cause significant fetal damage. It is estimated that approximately 3.2% of babies born in the UK are affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, though the guidance says currently few...
How to Deliver Effective Opioid Substitute Treatment in Prisons
This webinar focuses on:
Overcoming organisational and cultural issues
Stabilisation and assisted withdrawal
Retox and continuity of care
Dr Joss Bray, Clinical Lead for Drug and Alcohol Treatment in...
Panggilan untuk Aplikasi untuk SPR Sloboda dan Piala Bukoski
Kemajuan signifikan dalam ilmu pencegahan sering disebabkan oleh tim individu yang bekerja sama secara erat selama bertahun-tahun. Sebagai pengakuan atas pentingnya proses kolaboratif ke lapangan, Society for Prevention Research (SPR) akan...
Penghargaan Aksi SDG PBB
Laporan Tahunan: Penggunaan Narkotika di Kota Lahore
Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) &Youth Council for Anti Narcotics (YOCFAN) telah menerbitkan laporan tahunan terbaru tentang penggunaan narkotika di Lahore.
Laporan ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang situasi saat ini di Lahore dan...