
ISSUP Nigeria would like to invite you to the 21st session of its next bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar will focus on the topic of 'Recovery Oriented Services in Co-occurring Disorders.'
ISSUP e il Global Women's Network vi invitano cordialmente a unirvi a loro per un evento speciale: The Power of Global Collaboration: A new partnership for global impact for women with SUD.
El pasado viernes 09 de febrero, se llevó a cabo una reunión del ISSUP Perú, liderada por el Decano de la Facultad de Psicología PUCP, el Dr. Carlo Ibérico. La mesa estuvo conformada por Mg. Nancy Valdez, Dra. Cecilia Chau, María Eugenia Vizcarra, representante de la Embajada de USA en el área de reducción de la demanda y Especialista de Programas INL.
Il 25 febbraio, una delegazione composta da sette membri dello staff del Congresso degli Stati Uniti ha fatto visita a SPYM/ISSUP India a Nuova Delhi per discutere delle politiche sulle droghe e delle relative sfide in India. Questa visita è stata facilitata dal Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) del Dipartimento di Stato, con sede a Washington D.C.
ISSUP UAE would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar on Pharmacy Automation in Rehabilitation Centres
ISSUP Greece are delighted to share their February 2024 newsletter!  Here you will find out how to become a member of ISSUP, conference registration details and information on the ICAP exam process (the deadline to apply is 28 February).  Please click on the link below to find out more information.
In this edition of the ISSUP Newsletter we bring you updates on grants from The Colombo Plan, a selection of jobs, forthcoming events and a report from National Substance Use Prevention Week in Kenya.
ISSUP Kenya, in collaborazione con partner chiave, ha orchestrato una serie di iniziative di grande impatto durante la Settimana nazionale per la prevenzione dell'uso di sostanze, osservata dal 19 al 23 febbraio 2024. Il punto focale di questi sforzi è stata la creazione di consapevolezza presso il Politecnico Nazionale di Kiambu, affrontando in particolare le questioni relative ai disturbi da uso di sostanze.
Join us for the inaugural general membership meeting for ISSUP Bahamas.  We invite professionals from Government, NGO's, faith-based organisations and civil society.  Let us collaborate to combat drug demand and supply.  For more information, please contact (242) 423-4527 or (242) 427-1090.   The meeting will take place on Tuesday, 20 February at 6 pm at Public Hospitals Authority at PHA Training Centre Centerville.   We hope to see you there!
The first INEP-UK Plus course started in February 2024 and the participants are practitioners of many disciplines with some also working in policy, commissioning and public health areas. They are of different professional background including health, education, criminal justice and social care sectors.