
ISSUP Grecia è lieta di condividere la nostra ultima newsletter che si concentra sulla conferenza "Art of Healing" che si terrà a Thessanoliki tra il 24 e il 30 giugno 2024.  Clicca sul link sottostante per maggiori informazioni.
Happy New Year and welcome to our first newsletter of 2024. In this issue we are delighted to bring you a wealth of updates and useful resources, plus details of upcoming webinars to kick off the New Year. Click here to read Issue 164.
As the sun breaks on 2024, we at ISSUP Malaysia stand at the precipice of a new era, an era built on empowerment and evidence, where we turn the tide on addiction before it even begins.
ISSUP Nigeria desidera invitarvi alla 20a sessione del suo prossimo webinar bimestrale della serie di aggiornamento delle conoscenze. Questo webinar si concentrerà sull'argomento "Intervento breve per l'abuso di sostanze: modello ASSIST".
ISSUP Kazakistan vi invita cordialmente a un prossimo webinar il 16 gennaio 2024 sui principi della riduzione del danno per i pazienti.
ISSUP Nigeria has released its thirteenth Newsletter! This edition features ISSUP Nigeria Chapter 5th National Conference/ Annual General Meeting, recognition of colleagues who have distinguished themselves in their commitment and support to ISSUP and an award to the Chairman/ Chief Executive Officer of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Brig. Gen. Mohamed Buba Marwa (Retd), CON as the bridge builder for effective drug control in Nigeria. Enjoy it!
In our final newsletter of 2023 we wish to express our deepest gratitude to each member of the ISSUP community for your support, dedication, and exceptional contributions throughout the year. 
In this article we present a walkthrough of 2023 and a regional overview of the valuable contributions our National Chapters have made to the global drug demand reduction workforce.
ISSUP Malaysia, hosted by OAPTAR, held the INEP Plus Cohort 1 & 2 training - Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention - “Plus” offers a programme of work supported by training from ISSUP to introduce people to the basics of prevention science and evidence-based prevention.
ISSUP Indonesia, ISSUP Malaysia e ISSUP Philippines, in collaborazione con ITTC, vi danno il benvenuto a un'iniziativa congiunta dedicata all'uso di stimolanti di tipo anfetaminico (ATS) nella regione asiatica.