
ISSUP would like you to attend the Second Event in the Webinar Series on Substance Use and Homelessness: New Perspectives from Research and Practice.
ISSUP would like you to attend the First Event in the upcoming Webinar Series on Substance Use and Homelessness: New Perspectives from Research and Practice.
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) would like to share its intention to establish a National Chapter in Turkey.
The nomination process is now *CLOSED*
Финалдар del anño 2021, se llevó a cabo la primera reunión de presentación ISSUP España para socios españoles.
 Бүкіл әлем бойынша АДГ сарапшыларының көмегімен бізде қазір 28 тілде DIVA-5, қазір чех тілінде (Михал Миовскю және Ленка Šťastná) бар!
The DECCA (Drug Education, Counselling and Confidential Advice) Team provide the young peoples, aged 18 and under, drug and alcohol service in Sandwell. We want to share with you some of the resources we have developed as we feel they might be of use, and save you some time!
Тіркеу 2022 жылғы 11-16 мамырда Абу-Дабиде өтетін ITSUP халықаралық шеберханасында жеке оқыту курстары үшін ашық.
ITSUP UK Сізді өздерінің Вебинарына Global Family Systems: Psychosocial Residence on Global Family Systems: Psychosocial Residence-19 кезінде шақырғысы келеді.