Protecting Those That Protect Us
UNODC has developed Guidelines for the safe handling of substances and management of exposure risk for law enforcement and customs officers as part of the ‘safe handling’ series of technical guidelines and training materials. It is an...
Parenting under COVID-19
Families across the globe are adapting to changes due to (COVID-19).
While isolation can represent an opportunity for families to spend time together, many caregivers will be experiencing conflicting feelings and priorities, as well as...
Drinking Patterns and the Distribution of Alcohol-Related Harms in Ireland: Evidence for the Prevention Paradox
According to the prevention paradox, the majority of alcohol-related harms in the population occur among low-to-moderate risk drinkers, simply because they are more numerous in the population, although high-risk...
Webinar grabado: Recomendaciones de cuidado para las personas usuarias de drogas frente a la pandemia de COVID-19
Prevención en consumos problemáticos desde el modelo participativo
El 22 de abril de 2020, el capítulo argentino de ISSUP en colaboración con ISSUP global organizó webinar en el que se abordaron las dificultades y desafíos a los que nos...
Attitudes towards Cough Syrup Abuse: A Study of Adolescents in Southwest, Nigeria
One area of substance misuse among adolescents that is currently a problem, and has not been fully understood in the Nigerian context is the attitudes of adolescents towards cough syrup abuse. Thus, to inform policy actions for reducing...
"Dejando Huellitas en tu vida" Cuaderno de Trabajo para los/as niños/as
Manual del Aplicador para el Programa de Prevención "Dejando Huellitas en tu vida"
Viruses and Places of Detention
The nature of places of detention is that they are constructed to maximize public safety.
This is highly likely to lead to people living in very close proximity of each other in often overcrowded conditions, which increases the...
COVID-19: The Global Pan(dem)ic and Reflections on a Prevention Science Response
The spread of COVID-19 is causing unprecedented damage throughout the world, from which the lasting impact will be evident for many years to come.
It is vital that preventative efforts are put in place in order to minimise the damage and...
Drugs of Abuse Resource Guide
Education plays a critical role in preventing substance abuse.
Drugs of Abuse, a DEA Resource Guide, is designed to be a reliable resource on the most commonly abused and misused drugs in the United States.
This comprehensive guide...
The developmental stage of adolescence involves dramatic biologic, psychological, and behavioural changes.
It is a time where young people start to explore, seek further independence and experiment with new experiences. It is also a time...
Understanding Resilience
Although it is a term that is frequently used, understanding what it means to be resilient or develop resilience is not always straight forward.
In an article published in the Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience, the researchers...
Early Childhood Mental Health
As people develop through childhood, adolescents and into adulthood there are continuous opportunities to lay the foundations of sound mental health.
Disruptions during this trajectory can have a lasting impact on the way a person...
Adolescent Brain Development, Substance Use, and Psychotherapeutic Change
Adolescence involves dramatic biologic, psychological, and behavioural changes.
Adolescents respond, learn and explore their environment, forming new relationships and further developing their identity.
It is often a time where...
Жасөспiрiмдердiң миы: екiншi мүмкiндiк терезесі
Жасөспірімдік — адамзат дамуының ең драмалық кезеңдерінің бірі. Сондай-ақ, маңызды физикалық өзгерістерге ұшыраған жасөспірімдер қоршаған ортамен және олар ұстанатын маңызды қатынастармен қалыптасатын өз болмысын дамытуды жалғастыруда.
2016 жылдың 1-ші жартыжылдығында 2016 жылдың 1-ші жартыжылдығында 2016 жылдың 1-ші жартыжылдығында 2
Осы тұтануды жақындату үшін дүрбелең жағдайында жұмыс істейтін медицина қызметкерлері мен зерттеушілерге көмек көрсету үшін Ланцетте «Coronavirus Resource Center» құрылды.
Бұл ресурс «Ланцет » журналдарының барлығынан 2019 жылғы жаңа...
Гренландияда алкоголь сатуға тыйым салынды
Көптеген жастар үшін үй – қауіпсіздік орны емес.
Елдер бұғаттау шараларын енгізетіндіктен, жастардың әл-ауқатын қорғау маңызды.
Гренландия астанасы Нуук қаласында балаларға қатысты ықтимал зорлық-зомбылықты азайту мақсатында...