Associations of common mental disorder with alcohol use in the adult general population
Research has shown that alcohol use and common mental disorders co-occur; however, little is known about how the global prevalence of alcohol use compares across different mental disorders.
This review examined:
(i) report global...
Проблемалық субстанцияларды пайдаланумен және интимдік серіктес зорлық-зомбылықпен жұмыс істейтін мамандар арасындағы алшақтықты жою: МАРИССА жобасы - Гудрун Сиф Фридриксдоттир, 4 күн, 11:00-12:30
2022 жылғы 15 мамырда онлайн режимде нашақорлық іс-шарасының сын-тегеуріндеріне тап болу үшін жаһандық қоғамдастықты біріктіру шеңберінде таныстырылды
- Проблемалық субстанцияларды пайдаланумен және интимдік серіктес зорлық...
Characterization of family violence of substance user patients (presented at CIJ in 2020) - Dr Carmen Fernández Cáceres , Day 4, 11:00-12:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022
- Characterization of family violence of substance user patients (presented at CIJ in 2020) - Dr...
Негізгі баяндамашы: АҚШ-тың бұрынғы конгрессмені: Патрик Дж. Кеннеди, 3-күн, 1-жол, 08:30-09:00
NRC Studies on Stigma and Family, Day 1, Track 2, 15:30-17:00
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 12th May,2022
- An Exploratory Study on Individual stigma to Substance Use in a Clinical Population - Dr. Hisham...
Association of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms With Substance Misuse in 2 Longitudinal Cohorts in Sweden
Importance Neurobiological models have postulated shared neural mechanisms between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and substance use disorders, but results from clinical and epidemiological studies are conflicting or even...
Abordando los desafíos de las drogas en las crisis humanitarias y de salud
ISSUP México realizó un conversatorio el miércoles 29 de junio a las 11:00 horas hora de la Ciudad de México, en conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Lucha contra el Uso Indebido y el Tráfico Ilícito de Drogas.
29 de junio de 2022...
Mental Health and Related Factors Among Undergraduate Students During SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: Mental health problems among undergraduates are a significant public health concern. Most studies exploring mental health in this population during the pandemic have been conducted in high-income countries. Fewer studies come...
Helping Military Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Parents
Children grieve in different ways. Military children face unique challenges after the death of a service member. Some may develop traumatic grief responses, making it more difficult to cope.
Here are ways to recognize and help your...
Childhood Traumatic Grief: Youth Information Sheet
Most of you who experience the death of someone important adjust and recover over time. However, some of you may have more trouble adjusting and may develop Childhood Traumatic Grief. This can happen if the death was sudden, such as from a...
Pause – Reset – Nourish (PRN) to Promote Wellbeing
All of us face a variety of stresses daily. Currently, you may be dealing with additional responsibilities at work and new challenges with parenting. Consider your level of distress before deciding what approach you’d like to take to...
Disability mainstreaming in accessing Mental Health & SUD treatment and care
Call for papers: International Mental Health Journal
Mexico's National Institute of Psychiatry, "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz" began editing its official publication in 1977, "Salud Mental", which is currently indexed in: WoS, ScopuS, Academic Search Premier, SciELO, PsycINFO, IMBIOMED, RedALyC...
Війна - психологічні навички подолання травмуючих подій: Як надати допомогу людям, які стали біженцями чи вимушеними переселенцями
Війна - психологічні навички подолання травмуючих подій: перша психологічна допомога дітям
«Шұғыл психология және травматология клиникасы» ММ
Энна Коре университетінің адам және әлеуметтік ғылымдар факультеті ұйымдастырған «Шұғыл және клиникалық травматология психологиясы» аспирантурасының мақсаты психологтың немесе дәрігердің шұғыл және клиникалық травматология психологиясы...
Building resilience in survivors of sexual exploitation: The role of children in activities implemented by NGOs in Uganda
Children are increasingly affected by sexual exploitation (SEC), and the subsequent hardships arising out threaten their lives. Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of trauma or other significant sources of...
Associations of common mental disorder with alcohol use in the adult general population
Background and Aims
Research has shown that alcohol use and common mental disorders co-occur; however, little is known about how the global prevalence of alcohol use compares across different common mental disorders. The aim...
Сөздер материя тілі нұсқаулығы
Есiрткiнi қолданатын адамдарға қатысты тiлдi өзгерту қажеттiлiгi тiлдiң үдемелi тақырыбына айналды, бiрақ әлi де ұзақ жол бар. Есірткі қолданатын адамдар сан алуан және олардың есірткі тұтынумен қарым-қатынасы көптеген түрлі формаларды...