The Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC) is looking for volunteers to participate in the pilot testing of the ICAP examination for School and Family Prevention.
The Global Alcohol Policy Conference (GAPC2023), “Investing in People before Profits: Building Momentum towards the Framework Convention on Alcohol Control,” will be held from 24 - 26 October 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa with pre...
The VNGOC together with NYNGOC and the UNODC Civil Society Unit is organizing an online side event in the margins of the 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum on 31 January 2023 at 8.30 AM. The event is titled: The central role of civil society in drug policies, COVID-19 and achieving the 2030 Agenda
VNGOC are looking for 3-4 civil society speakers from different regions wishing to present at the event, focusing on concrete examples of actions towards the 2030 targets and effective, evidence-based drug policies.
The side event will highlight the important role of civil society in...
The National Dangerous Drugs Control Board have proudly planned to conduct an International Symposium on Drug-Related Studies 2022 will be held from 1st and 2nd December 2022 in Colombo, Sri Lanka to facilitate the exchange of information...
ISSUP South Africa, ITTC-SA and SAMRC - GATS-SA, would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar Series on Tobacco Use in South Africa. This is the Second Session.
Mpanza, D.M., Govender, P. & Voce, A. Perspectives of service providers on aftercare service provision for persons with substance use disorders at a Rural District in South Africa. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 17, 60 (2022).
Aftercare programs for people with substance use disorders (PWSUD) are frequently challenged with a number of overlapping obstacles, including uncertain policy consequences and a lack of resources. Despite demographic variety, service providers in South Africa are obligated to offer aftercare programs that effectively reintegrate people with PWSUD into society, the workforce, family, and community life, as specified by Act No. 70 of 2008. Little is known about the availability of aftercare services in South Africa, particularly in rural areas. This paper investigates service...
The South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) which is the host organization for ISSUP South Africa recently hosted another world-class, innovative conference dubbed the Addiction 2022 Practitioners Forum (APF) under the theme “Unmasking Substance Use Disorder Treatment”.
Hirchak, K.A., Amiri, S., Kordas, G. et al. Variations in national availability of waivered buprenorphine prescribers by racial and ethnic composition of zip codes. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 17, 41 (2022).
Opioid overdose remains a public health crisis in diverse communities. Between 2019 and 2020, there was an almost 40% increase in drug fatalities primarily due to opioid analogues of both stimulants and opioids. Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD; e.g., buprenorphine) are effective, evidence-based treatments that can be delivered in office-based primary care settings. We investigated disparities in the proportion of national prescribers who have obtained a waiver issued to prescribe MOUD by demographic characteristics.
You are invited to attend an upcoming webinar meeting aiming to discuss the role of the government agencies in the design and implementation of the HIV interventions among people who use drugs, particularly opioid substitution therapy (OST)...
Substance-Use-Disorder (SUD) professionals often find themselves immersed in their work and as a consequence may not notice the ground-breaking developments which are happening around us. As initial-contact and treatment professionals, it is important that we invest sufficiently in our knowledge and understanding of new developments and the opportunities these may present.
For this purpose, the Addiction Practitioners Forum has been created by the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA National) to close the gap between practice and theory. SANCA National has...
The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) is seeking expressions of interest from experts in the field of alternatives to incarceration and social integration to be trained as Master Trainers for the delivery of the Case Care Management curriculum internationally. Upon successful completion of the Training of Trainers, these Master Trainers will be included on the Case Care Management roster of trainers and can be contacted to deliver the training when scheduled. If interested, please submit your resume and relevant information...
EUSPR 2022 are pleased to announce that the 13th EUSPR Conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia on 29th and 30th September 2022, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the pre-conference day, September 28th.
Harker, N., Johnson, K., Erasmus, J. et al. COVID 19—impact on substance use treatment utilization and provision in South Africa. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 17, 15 (2022).
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected persons suffering from substance use disorders (SUDs) all around the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the number of SUD treatment episodes provided during the pandemic's peak, as well as SUD treatment providers' perceptions of the impact of COVID-19-related restrictions on people with SUDs and the delivery of SUD treatment services in South Africa.
We used administrative data collected as part of the South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (SACENDU) project to...
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is starting very soon! In fact, tomorrow, Monday, 14 March 2022.
Once again, all sessions, as well as the side events, are to be held online due to the pandemic. The good thing about that means that, you can still follow the plenaries and the side events! That’s why we thought that you might appreciate having all the links in one place.
Hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial designs have become increasingly prevalent in implementation research. As hybrid designs enter their second decade of widespread use, the Frontiers in Health Services’ Implementation Science section launches a Research Topic to fuel the field’s discourse on the past, present, and future of hybrid designs in knowledge translation. Submissions are welcome of both Original and/or Brief Research, Review, Methods, and Perspective articles. The call addresses critical assessments of hybrid designs, innovative use of hybrid designs in current trials, and...
During the months of November, December & January, ISSUP’s National Chapters came together virtually to discuss priorities, research, collaboration opportunities and our forthcoming conference and workshop next May in Abu Dhabi, UAE.