Thomas Scaria

Ecolink Institute of Well-being becomes an approved Training Provider for Colombo Plan & ISSUP

Thomas Scaria - 7 August 2020

Ecolink Institute of Well-being, based in Mangalore, India has signed an agreement with Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme and became an approved Training Provider for Universal Treatment Curricula (UTC) and Universal Prevention Curricula (UPC) from July 2020.

This was officially announced by Dr. Josephine Choong, Programme Manager for Asia from Colombo Plan while inaugurating a two months course on Counselling skills in Addiction Management on 24 July . Over 50 psychologists and mental health professionals from India, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan are attending this course, hosted by Ecolink in collaboration with Center for Global Health Research and Policy, Atlanta.

This training is imparted by the Colombo Plan Master Trainers based on Curriculum 1, 2 and 4 of the Universal Curriculum. For more details , click:

Salman Shahzad, PhD

Dear Sir/Madam,

 I am Dr. Salman Shahad working as an associate professor of clinical psychology, at the institute of clinical psychology, university of karachi. i am interested to attend this UTC Course which is going to start from September 15. in this regard if you could consider me as potential candidate then i will be oblige to you. If you need further details then i will forward it to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Salman Shahad, PhD

Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology


Girish Kurra (Gary)

Its awesome. I am going to attend the UTC course in November, 2020. My special thanks to Dr Thomas for considering my request for the same. Looking forward to it.

Warm Regards