
30 Free Places for the International Workshop on Prevention of Drug Use in Schools

Shared by Satyam - 23 September 2020
Originally posted by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) - 21 September 2020

The International Workshop on Prevention of Drug Use in Schools has been very popular and we have had more than 200 participants.
The deadline for participation in the Workshop will remain open until November 30, 2020, so we are making 30 free places available for members of ISSUP Global, ISSUP Brasil and all other national chapters worldwide.
How to book your free place
To register for free, just click on the link below and enter the free code. 
The code for free registration is: nationalchapter
If you need help, please email: Cursos [at] issupbrasil [dot] com [dot] br or WhatsApp: +55 (19) 99793-0240 - Gabriele.
God bless you.


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