share experience of alcohol treatment

TCHEWE JACQUES - 5 September 2022

most patients with alcohol dependence do not complete their therapy. they drop out after two to three months of clinical follow-up. now i have a patient who is in his second month of abstinence.
After how long can we consider the patient cured? how can we keep them in treatment longer? can you help me with the management of alcoholics?


After how long can we consider the patient cured? how can we keep them in treatment longer? can you help me with the management of alcoholics?

Rafi Khawar
Dear friend term,, Cured,, is not for this treatment field this is long are talking about management i think..what you say?is it??
yes, that's the management i was referring to. sorry mr. rafi. i don't express myself well in english. i'm a french speaker. thank you for the correction and for taking the time to answer me. i have many patients who don't come back after 3-4 sessions. how do you keep your patients in treatment?