Rafi Khawar

Professional Interconnectedness

Rafi Khawar - 11 October 2022
  • *Professional* *interconnectedness* 
    Rafi khawar
    Professional interconnectedness is a real food for professional grooming.we can learn many new things and share our knowledge to each other.
    Isolated professionals can not enjoy professional togetherness,new experiences of colleagues and block themselves for more knowledge,professional expertise and result is brun out .
    Actually professional togetherness rate us where we are professionally.we have many  choices here .
    We see an colleague to have more knowledge , experience,skills etc.
    We impress,want to be like .
    We become jealous and make some excuses for not participating by giving him bad names,
    Or we become completely silent and observer of things.
    We feel our inedequacies and step forward to overcome.
    All these things effect our clients and profession positively or negatively.
    What is beneficial for our clients?????
    Answer is ......
    Professional interconnectedness ..it works.